[comp.sys.apple] software in the mail


I don't think the software I've seen to-date on info-apple has been
a burden.  At least the programs that are in Executioner format or
Applesoft statements haven't been particularly large files, and there
haven't been very many of them.  The ones I have seen have been
generally useful.

You may have a point about fairly specialized programs.  For instance,
not many of us have C compilers, and I recall seeing at least one 'C'
file that was rather large.  More people probably have Pascal (it
happens that I don't), but I'd recommend thinking hard about the need
if the file is more than 100 lines or so.

IIgs owners are in the minority (growing however), but the 2 IIgs
utilities that were posted were shorter than some of the ordinary mail.
I think those were a service.

A separate list for software might be nice, and an Apple II software
server would be even nicer.  Any volunteers to start either?

In the meantime, I'd recommend that we all think about the size of the
files we plan to post and evaluate the cost-benefit trade-off.  A
program likely to be useful to nearly everyone (the FULLCAT program
in BASic, for example) may warrant a couple hunderd lines while a
utility in 'C' may only merit 50 or so.

From the number of requests, it appears that a reposting of the
Executioner might help out.  I'd do it, but many of you would receive
"echoed" lines as at least some gateways don't like mail with lines
starting with periods.  Has anyone implemented the previously discussed
patch that will make the program begin lines with +'s?  I'd like that
version myself.