[comp.sys.apple] vt100 emulation and other bulletin boards

Jhippens@lead-intel02.UUCP (07/02/87)

   I am in need of being able to communicate with a Sperry 5000 computer
with my Apple ][e enhanced computer. I must be able to emulate a VT100
terminal and I need to be able to download UNIX files to Prodos or DOS.

   Could someone recommend an inexpensive external modem and software?

Also,could everyone send me other bulletin board points of contacts.

		Thanks in advance


danr@crash.CTS.COM (Dan Rubesh) (07/08/87)

In article <8707061039.aa09509@SMOKE.BRL.ARPA> Jhippens@lead-intel02 writes:
>   I am in need of being able to communicate with a Sperry 5000 computer
>with my Apple ][e enhanced computer. I must be able to emulate a VT100
>terminal and I need to be able to download UNIX files to Prodos or DOS.
>   Could someone recommend an inexpensive external modem and software?
>Also,could everyone send me other bulletin board points of contacts.
>		Thanks in advance
>		  jim

As far as an inexpensive external modem, I've been using an Avatex 1200hc for
about 1.5 years and have had no problems.. You should be able to find one for
 <$150 in Computer Shopper..  For VT-100 there was a shareware program
seen on this conf. a while back.. DCOM3.3 by Jim Hayes.. I don't have his
email/net address handy.. His snail address was P.O. Box 221044, San Diego,
CA 92122-1044.. I haven't tried the program so can't comment personally
but read a good review from the NOVAPPLE newsletter.. Maybe Jim will see 
this and respond...

| UUCP: {cbosgd, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!danr                  |
| ARPA: crash!danr@nosc.mil                                                |
| INET: danr@crash.cts.com            Dan Rubesh                           |
|                                                                          |
| Snail: P.O. Box 1221                Don't call me sir.. My parents were  |
|        El Cajon, CA                 married when I was conceived!        |
|        92022-1221                                                        |