Hmensch%cda-pdp01@AMC-HQ.ARPA (07/30/87)
In my job, we provide a dial-in query service to our database. The capability exists for our users to dial-in using most types of terminals & personal computers. However, I have come across an Apple user that is experiencing difficulty & hope that someone on "info-apple" can help!!! Incidentially, this is the only Apple user utilizing our system that I am aware of. The machine that is being used is an Apple 2e with the enhancement and a Cermatek Apple Mate 1200 baud (internal - Hayes compatible) modem with Modem MGR software package. The Apple has 128K and is using an Apple 80-column card. For responses to our query system, we send out 96-character records. The first 80 characters are normal ASCII text ending usually ending with carriage returns & one line-feed. The remaining 16 characters are sync characters which are placed there to accomodate older teletype style terminals. The Apple creates a problem when displaying our responses. Data is missing from the tail end of various lines. The data does not always truncate at the same column. I suspected that the problem might be within the 80-column board & had the user take it out. The same problem still occurred. If you can shed any light on this problem, please send email to hmensch at amc-hq.