god3@sphinx.uchicago.edu (Peter Godwin) (08/03/87)
Recently posted was an upgrade for the 2.0 version of Appleworks which will skip the copyright screen <space> bar thingy in the beginning of the program with a hard drive or 3.5 " drive Does anyone have the patch for the 1.2 version of AW??? -- Peter Godwin | ...ihnp4!gargoyle!sphinx!god3 Univ. of Chicago Comp Ctr | x9.xpg@uchicago 5335 S. Kimbark Ave., Apt. #2 | god3%sphinx@uchicago Chicago, IL 60615 | Phone #: 312-288-1816
halp@TCGOULD.TN.CORNELL.EDU ("Bruce P. Halpern") (08/03/87)
For patching AppleWorks 1.3 or 2.0 (alas, presumably not 1.2), see an article by Christopher Van Buren in the June, 1987 A+ (Vol.5, pp. 68-69). He gives some code obtained from The Software Touch: BLOAD APLWORKS.SYSTEM,TSYS,A$2000 ----------------------------------- NEXT CODE FOR AppleWorks v1.3 ----------------------------------- POKE 13193,44 _________________________________ IF YOU WANT AUTO-INPUT OF TIME & DATE, ADD ______________________________________________ POKE 13855,208 POKE 13856,16 --------------------------------------------- FINAL STEP FOR V1.3 IS --------------------------------------------- BSAVE APLWORKS.SYSTEM,TSYS,A$2000 ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- FOR AppleWorks v2.0 ----------------------------------------------- POKE 14468,44 ---------------------------------------------- AUTO TIME-DATE INPUT, ADD ----------------------------------------------- POKE 14148,208 POKE 14149,19 ----------------------------------------------- FINAL STEP SAME AS FOR V1.3 (i.e., BSAVE . . .) I have used the 2.0 patch to eliminate the stop between startup and program. | Bruce P. Halpern Psychology & Neurobiology & Behavior Cornell Ithaca | | ARPA: halp@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu | | BITNET: HALP@CRNLTHRY D57J@CORNELLA D57J@CRNLVAX5 | | PHONE: 607-255-6433 Uris Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY 14853-7601 |
delaney@wnre.aecl.CDN (Grant Delaney) (08/04/87)
Here is a small basic program which patches all versions of apple works to get rid of those annoying carrage returns if you don,t want to by pas the date stamp eliminate line 120 0 REM AppleWorks modifier by Allan Bird extenden to V2.0 by Grant Delaney From NOV and DEC 1986 Open-Apple 10 F1$ = "APLWORKS.SYSTEM":REM use full pathname 20 PRINT CHR$(4);"BLOAD";F1$;"TSYS,A$2000" 30 A=PEEK(8250) 40 V=(A=202)+2*(A=169)+3*(A=180)+4*(A=57) 50 IF NOT V THEN PRINT "Unrecognized version of AppleWorks.":END 60 PRINT "PATCHING AppleWorks" 70 IF V=1 THEN A1=13139 : A2=13522 :REM V1.1 80 IF V=2 THEN A1=13135 : A2=13518 :REM V1.2 90 IF V=3 THEN A1=13193 : A2=13855 :REM V1.3 100 IF V=4 THEN A1=14468 : A2=14148 :REM V2.0 110 POKE A1,44:REM NO SPACE BAR 120 POKE A2,208:POKE A2 + 1,19: REM no RETURN for date Thanks to ALAN BIRD AUTHOR OF MACRO WORKS for this pach in Nov 86 Open-Apple.
mdj@pro-sol.cts.COM ("Mark U. de Jong") (08/05/87)
> Thanks to ALAN BIRD AUTHOR OF MACRO WORKS for this pach in Nov 86 > Open-Apple. Correction: Alan Bird -- author of _AutoWorks_ Randy Brandt -- author of _MacroWorks_ -- author of _Super Macroworks_ Mark de Jong UUCP: [ ihnp4 cbosgd hplabs!hp-sdd sdcsvax nosc ] !crash!pnet01!pro-sol!mdj ARPA: crash!pnet01!pro-sol!mdj@nosc.mil INET: mdj@pro-sol.CTS.COM