patth@dasys1.UUCP (Patt Haring) (08/06/87)
** AAUGmentations ** The official newsletter of American Apple Users' Group (AAUG) A publication of DRACO Communications American Apple RoundTable GEnie Information Service Vol. 2 No. 8 August, 1987 ============================================================================== President - Cathy Christensen (AART) Vice President - Lou Flemal (LINEFEED) Secretary - Marty Knight (M.KNIGHT) ============================================================================== Special thanks to: Librarian - Doug Acker (AUG2) NewsDesk Editor - Leonard Reed (AUG1) RT Management - Kent Fillmore (DRACO) A2PRO Sysop - Michael Fischer (MFISCHER) Apple Technicians - Willie Collier (COLLIER) - Jim Mensch (MENSCH) - Jackson Simonton (SIMONTON) ============================================================================== IN THIS ISSUE: Apple GS at the National Archives, Shareware Spotlight, Like Clockwork, Hires and Double Hires Viewing Programs, AppleWorks Vocabulary Test Answers, Modem Noise Killer, GS Minimal Desktop, Video Display Softswitches Quick Reference, Video Vegas Review, GS Technote 13, ImageWriter Technote 1, Unidisk 3.5 Spec Sheet ============================================================================== >>>>U.S. CONSTITUTION HONORED WITH NATIONAL ARCHIVES EXHIBIT<<<< from American Apple RoundTable BBS WASHINGTON, D.C., June 26, 1987. One of America's oldest documents will be commemorated with one of the newest technologies when Apple Computer, Inc. and Scholastic Software honor the 200th anniversary of the U. S. Constitution with an Apple IIGS interactive computer display at the National Archives. The display, which opens July 1, is entitled "Would you have signed the Constitution?" The Apple/Scholastic exhibit will open with a ribbon cutting ceremony featuring Frank G. Burke, acting archivist of the United States; Del Yocam, Apple's chief operating officer; and Sidney P. Marland Jr., Scholastic Inc., executive committee chairman. The interactive display joins two bicentennial exhibitions at the National Archives--permanent home to the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. "The American Experiment: Creating the Constitution" describes the country during the time the Constitution was conceived, created and ratified. "The American Experiment: Living with the Constitution" consists of documents, photographs and audio visual materials focusing on the ways in which the Constitution has been challenged and interpreted over the past 200 years. The tribute will run through the end of the year. "Our exhibit honors the leaders of yesterday and encourages the leaders of the next 200 years, whose bold moves will keep our democracy strong," Yocam said. "Though the quill pen first used to sign it has long been replaced, the United States Constitution has withstood the trials of time. With the Apple IIGS, we're offering visitors a glimpse into the past by way of modern day technology." The Apple/Scholastic exhibit is designed for school-age children as well as adults. Visitors interact with the program using the Apple IIGS mouse while digitized musical selections taken from a piece composed at the time of the Constitutional Convention are played at various times during the three-minute exhibit. "Scholastic has long had a commitment to the development of values and attitudes in young people," Marland said. "This software gives us the opportunity to literally engage the participation of young people as well as adults in simulating the processes of the framers of the Constitution and the values implicit in that process." The program begins with the question, "Would you have signed the Constitution?" The participants, acting as delegates to the convention, then answer five questions. The questions deal with issues raised at the convention that are still relevant today. The responses are given in a 'yes' or 'no' format through the click of the mouse. After each answer, an entry that might have appeared in a delegate's diary appears on the screen. The diary entry explores the pros and cons of the issues, depending upon the participants' responses. After the final question, a diary entry appears, comparing the participants' answers with the actual votes on the issues at the convention. The participants then decide whether they would have signed the Constitution. If they are in agreement, participants are invited to use the mouse to sign a replica of the preamble to the Constitution. The last screen displays a tally of the number of visitors who signed the Constitution and the number of those who did not sign it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>SHAREWARE SPOTLIGHT<<<< by Marty Knight AAUGmentations editor This is the first of several reviews of shareware programs available from the American Apple User Group software library. Shareware, as you may know, is a means of software distribution whereby you, the user, get to use a program (or most of one) before deciding on a purchase. If you then decide that you wish to continue using the software, you send your payment to an address usually specified in the title screen of the program. This will make you a registered owner and entitles you to product support. Frequently, a fuller version of the program and a user manual is sent upon receipt of the shareware fee. If you do not find the program useful, simply don't use it and don't send any money. The program I've selected to spotlight this month is the Apple Conference Terminal, or A.C.T. for short. One of the more frustrating aspects of conferencing with a BBS system is that your own typed messages are often fragmented into dozens of characters by the sentences of others in conference. A.C.T. solves this problem by using a dual window on the screen. Your own sentences are displayed in the lower window as you type them while messages from other users appear in the upper window. A.C.T. also supports up to 96 prewritten conference messages. Any of these messages can be retrieved and then sent by selecting the appropriate closed-apple command. A.C.T. also supports what Bob Garth calls 'tilde graphics'. By using appropriate tilde commands in your messages, you can display words or sentences in inverse characters, do animation, and send merry tunes across the wires to another A.C.T. If that's not enough, A.C.T. also comes with some special modules which allow you to play chess or reversi with another A.C.T. A.C.T. is a program which is continually evolving. Planned expansion includes a word processor and a dialer. I expect that a number of other modules will be prepared during the next few months, judging from the seven menu items titled 'Future Module'. Only those who have honored the shareware system will receive improvements and new modules. New modules will be downloaded from the GEnie Protree RT as specially encrypted files to which only registered A.C.T. owners will be given passwords. A.C.T. requires an Apple //e, //c, or //gs with a minimum of 128K of memory. Only Super Serial Card modems are supported. The modem card must be in slot 2. The internal //gs port is not yet supported. Printers are also supported, but must be in slot 1. To receive a shareware copy of A.C.T., simply download the file from American Apple RT or Protree RT of GEnie. Use the program and test it out before you purchase it. Give copies to your friends, but do not sell it. To become a registered owner send $49.00 to: Protree Software P.O. Box 1106 Westminster, CO 80030 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>LIKE CLOCKWORK<<<< by Val. J. Golding Call A.P.P.L.E., July, 1987 published by Apple PugetSound Program Library Exchange 290 S.W. 43rd Street Renton, Washington 98055 (206) 251-5222 reprinted with permission Whether you have an Apple IIe, IIc, or IIgs, chances are the system includes a clock. (Livewire is a combination clock/parallel printer interface for the Apple IIc.) When entering a catalog command, the filesave time and date displayed is probably taken for granted. Perhaps you think: "Oh, that's nice, but how can I use the clock in my own applications?" With just minimal programming skills, accessing the ProDOS clock to timestamp a printout, or for other purposes, is as easy as adding a half dozen lines of code. ProDOS has four registers (decimal locations 49040 - 49043) where clock "driver" data is stored. Different clocks may furnish time and date in different formats, but ProDOS has some rather strict standards as to how it processes this information; thus we can assume that whatever the system clock make and model, data is supplied in a ProDOS acceptable format. ProDOS looks to these registers for directory update data each time a disk command is executed. It is here also that our BASIC subroutine (Listing 1) seeks time and date information. An assembly language programmer can naturally read the clock directly. ProDOS, however, makes it simple for anyone. Every ProDOS disk command updates the time and date registers. When no files are open, a command like CLOSE has no real effect, but nevertheless, updates system time. The BASIC subroutine executes a ProDOS CLOSE command to refresh the clock registers, then extracts the current time and date and places them, along with print format instructions, in TIME$. If needed, any other suitable ProDOS command may be substituted for CLOSE. The time information in TIME$ is presented in AM/PM format and upon return from the subroutine may be used in any manner. If 24-hour format is desired, delete lines 50070 and 50080 of the BASIC subroutine. Those readers interested only in availing themselves of the time subroutine may skip the balance of this article which concerns itself with the binary form of the data and how it is extracted from the ProDOS clock registers. A byte, or memory location, consists of eight bits, each of which may only have a value of zero or one. When a bit is equal to one, we usually say it is set or on. Commencing with bit zero, the effective value of each bit is raised in increasing powers of two. The following table lists effective values for each bit in a byte, from right to left: Bit No. Value when on ======= ============= 0 1 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 Assuming that each bit is on, the table shows that the maximum value of a single byte may not exceed 255. Starting with bit zero (the rightmost bit), the value of the byte may be determined by adding the effective value of each on bit to that of its neighbor to the left. A byte in which bits zero and one are on would have an effective value of three. If bit seven (the leftmost bit) were on, and all other bits were off, the byte would equal 128. Computer memory is always at a premium, and since the clock information is stored in binary form, one byte does not necessarily indicate a date or time. Instead, the data may be in packed format, meaning that a single byte can contain a complete data element, a portion of an element, or more than one element depending on the type and amount of data. For example, to express the value 12 in binary form required only four bits. In this case, the remaining bits are available for other data. Figure 1 illustrates the data arrangement of the ProDOS time registers at $BF90-93. ********************************************** * FIGURE 1 * * Values 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 * --------------------------------- * Bits | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | * --------------------------------- * --------------------------------- * $BF90 | M | M | M | D | D | D | D | D | * --------------------------------- * --------------------------------- * $BF91 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | M | * --------------------------------- * --------------------------------- * $BF92 | x | x | m | m | m | m | m | m | * --------------------------------- * --------------------------------- * $BF93 | x | x | x | H | H | H | H | H | * --------------------------------- * * x = unused * * ********************************************** LISTING 1 ========= 100 GOSUB 50000 110 PRINT TIME$ 120 END : REM 50000 REM GET TIME SUBROUTINE 50010 PRINT CHR$(4) "CLOSE" 50020 DAY = PEEK (49040) - INT (PEEK (49040) / 32) * 32 50030 YEAR = INT (PEEK (49041) / 2) 50040 MNTH = (PEEK (49041) - YEAR * 2) * 8 + INT (PEEK (49040) / 32) 50050 MINUTE = PEEK (49042) 50060 HOUR = PEEK (49043) 50070 PM$ = "AM" : ON HOUR < 12 GOTO 50080 : PM$ = "PM" : IF HOUR > 12 THEN HOUR = HOUR - 12 : GOTO 50090 50080 IF NOT HOUR THEN HOUR = 12 50090 TIME$ = STR$ (MNTH) + "/" + STR$ (DAY) + "/" + STR$ (YEAR) + " " + STR$ (HOUR) + ":" : ON MIN > 9 GOTO 50100 : TIME$ = TIME$ + "0" 50100 TIME$ = TIME$ + STR$ (MIN) + PM$ : RETURN : REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>HIRES AND DOUBLE HIRES VIEWING PROGRAMS<<<< from American Apple RoundTable software library The following program will allow viewing of a standard Hi-Res picture. 10 ONERR GOTO 30 20 PRINT CHR$ (4);"PR#3" 30 TEXT : INPUT "Enter name of picture file ( \ to quit): ";N$ 40 IF N$ = "" THEN PRINT CHR$ (4);"catalog,tbin": GOTO 30 50 IF N$ = "\" THEN END 60 PRINT CHR$ (4);"bload ";N$;",a$2000" 70 POKE 49234,0: POKE 49239,0: POKE 49236,0: POKE 49232,0 80 GET A$: GOTO 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following will allow viewing of Double Hi-Res pictures, on computers equipped to do so. 10 ONERR GOTO 65 15 PRINT CHR$ (4);"PR#3" 20 POKE 49233,0: INPUT "Enter name of picture file ( \ to quit): ";N$ 25 IF N$ = "" THEN PRINT CHR$ (4);"catalog,tbin": GOTO 20 30 IF N$ = "\" THEN END 35 PRINT CHR$ (4);"bload ";N$;".aux,a$2000" 40 PRINT CHR$ (4);"bsave /ram/temp,a$2000,l$2000" 45 PRINT CHR$ (4);"bload ";N$;",a$2000" 50 POKE 49153,0: POKE 49165,0: POKE 49232,0 55 POKE 49234,0: POKE 49239,0: POKE 49246,0 60 GET A$: POKE 49247,0: GOTO 20 65 E = PEEK (222): IF E = 6 OR E = 16 THEN 75 70 GOTO 20 75 PRINT : PRINT "An error has occurred while reading this file." 80 PRINT "The file maybe in the incorrect format. Please try again." 85 PRINT : GOTO 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>APPLEWORKS VOCABULARY TEST ANSWERS<<<< The AppleWorks vocabulary test appeared in the July, 1987 issue of AAUGmentations 1. Application program 2. Destination 3. Coordinates 4. Character 5. Format 6. Category 7. Caret 8. Argument 9. Backup 10. Commas format 11. Appropriate format: Spreadsheet information displayed just as you type it in. 12. ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a type of data format. 13. Blot: Nonprinting carriage return character that looks like a checker board. Embedded in AppleWorks word processor documents. 14. Cell: Place in a spreadsheet where an individual item is displayed. 15. Clipboard: Area of RAM used to hold AppleWorks cut and paste information. 16. Column indicator: Sign at the bottom of a word processor display that tells what column the cursor is on. 17. Connector: Physical device to connect hardware components together. 18. Auxiliary slot: Slot inside the //e used for the 80 column card. 19. Cell indicator: Sign indicating the contents of a cell in a spreadsheet. 20. Argument (example): In the function @SUM(A1...C1) the argument is the contents of cells A1 through C1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>MODEM NOISE KILLER (ALPHA VERSION)<<<< from Apple User Group RoundTable (AUGRT) With this circuit diagram, some basic tools including a soldering iron, and four or five components from Radio Shack, you should be able to cut the noise/garbage that appears on your computer's screen. I started this project out of frustration at using a US Robotics 2400 baud modem and getting a fair amount of junk when connecting at that speed. Knowing that capacitors make good noise filters, I threw this together. This is very easy to build, however conditions may be different due to modem type, amount of line noise, old or new switching equipment (Bell's equipment), and on and on. So it may not work as well for you in every case. If it does work, or if you've managed to tweak it to your computer/modem setup I'd like to hear from you. I'd also appreciate any of you electronic wizards out there wanting to offer any improvements. Let's make this work for everyone! Please read this entire message and see if you understand it before you begin. OK, what you'll need from Radio Shack: 1 #279-374 Modular line cord if you don't already have one. You won't need one if your phone has a modular plug in its base. $4.95 1 #279-420 Modular surface mount jack (4 or 6 conductor) $4.49 1 #271-1720 Potentiometer. This is a 5k audio taper variable resistor. $1.09 1 #272-1055 Capacitor. Any non-polarized 1.0 to 1.5 uf cap should do. Paper, Mylar, or metal film caps should be used, although #272-996 may work as well. (272-996 is a non-polarized electrolytic cap) $.79 1 100 ohm resistor - quarter or half watt. $.19 1 #279-357 Y-type or duplex modular connector. Don't buy this until you've read the section on connecting the Noise Killer below. (A, B,or C) $4.95 First off, open the modular block. You normally just pry them open with a screwdriver. Inside you'll find up to 6 wires. Very carefully cut out all but the green and red wires. The ones you'll be removing should be black, yellow, white, and blue. These wires won't be needed and may be in the way. So cut them as close to where they enter the plug as possible. The other end of these wires have a spade lug connector that is screwed into the plastic. Unscrew and remove that end of the wires as well. Now, you should have two wires left. Green and red. Solder one end of the capacitor to the green wire. Solder the other end of the capacitor to the center lug of the potentiometer (there are three lugs on this critter). Solder one end of the resistor to the red wire. You may want to shorten the leads of the resistor first. Solder the other end of the resistor to either one of the remaining outside lugs of the potentiometer. Doesn't matter which. Now to wrap it up, make a hole in the lid of the mod block to stick the shaft of the potentiometer through. Don't make this hole dead center as the other parts may not fit into the body of the mod block if you do. See how things will fit in order to find where the hole will go. Well, now that you've got it built you'll need to test it. First twist the shaft on the potentiometer until it stops. You won't know which way to turn it until later. It doesn't matter which way now. You also need to determine where to plug the Noise Killer onto the telephone line. It can be done by one of several ways: A. If your modem has two modular plugs in back, connect the Noise Killer into one of them using a line cord. (a line cord is a straight cord that connects a phone to the wall outlet. Usually silver in color) B. If your phone is modular, you can unplug the cord from the back of it after you're on-line and plug the cord into the Noise Killer. C. You may have to buy a Y-type modular adaptor. Plug the adaptor into a wall outlet, plug the modem into one side and the Noise Killer into the other. Call a BBS that has known noise problems. After you've connected and garbage begins to appear, plug the Noise Killer into the phone line as described above. If you have turned the shaft on the potentiometer the wrong way you'll find out now. You may get a lot of garbage or even disconnected. If this happens, turn the shaft the other way until it stops and try again. If you don't notice much difference when you plug the Noise Killer in, that may be a good sign. Type in a few commands and look for garbage characters on the screen. If there still is, turn the shaft slowly until most of it is gone. If nothing seems to happen at all, turn the shaft slowly from one side to the other. You should get plenty of garbage or disconnected at some point. If you don't, reread this message to make sure you've connected it right. V V V (three lugs of the potentiometer) | | | N/C cap resistor (N/C = No Connection) | | | | Green Red Wire Wire | | ------ | Phone line ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>//GS MINIMAL DESKTOP<<<< by Nick Silva from Apple User Group RoundTable (AUGRT) The Apple //GS Desktop that comes with the System Disk is probably the sole item that gives the GS the same look and feel as that other Apple Machine, the Mac-something-or-other. With it you get windows that change sizes at your command, cute icons, easy to move files, and a few other niceties that give that GS a friendly environment to work with. For all its niceties, the GS Desktop's main purpose is really as a disk cataloguer and program launcher. Sure the System Disk comes with the ProDOS 16 Launcher, a sorry excuse for a real Mac like Finder, but it isn't very nice and takes darn near forever to load. While the Desktop and System Disk provide a few nice items such as the calculator and puzzle, many of the things on the system disk are not needed. If all you intend to use the Desktop for is to catalog a disk or 'launch' a program you can get rid of a lot of the overhead. That is the main reason for this article this month - to discuss what exactly we can get rid of and what it will cost us. The entire System Disk takes up between 1200-1400 blocks (depending on what version you have) of a 1600 block disk. Of that there are various things that you can quickly dispose of. The first, is the entire AppleTalk directory which is of little use unless you are actually connected to an appletalk network. BASIC.SYSTEM and BASIC.LAUNCHER can go if and only if you are not planning on running a BASIC program from the desktop. This includes the 'STARTUP' that Prodos automatically looks for if it doesn't find a .SYSTEM file. The Launcher can go since the desktop serves the same purpose. Don't worry that the Launcher runs under Prodos 16 and the Desktop runs under Prodos 8. The desktop is quite capable of launching a Prodos 16 based program. It will simply load Prodos 16 if needed. By the way, the P16 launcher I keep talking about is not named Launcher. It is that program on the System disk named START that is really the launcher. I say trash it. The SYSTEM UTILITIES directory basically contains the utilities of the //e system disk. Nice to have but who uses them anyway? So you can get rid of the whole directory as well. That only leaves the Desktop directory and the System Directory. We'll look at each separately since you have some options here. ***************** SYSTEM INTERRUPT ***************** By the way, I should have mentioned this earlier (but Its late, and the grey matter doesn't function to well after dark) but please, do these changes only to a COPY of your system disk. We now return to our regularly scheduled article. The Desktop directory is made up of three things. The desktop (of course), the selector, and the desktop goodies (i.e. the calculator, puzzle, etc.). Unless you want them, you can get rid of the goodies (Desk.Accs directory). The Selector allows you set up key macros to launch your favorite program on the same disk. You can delete these since the whole object of the mouse is to keep you from using the keyboard anyway. You can always launch them by double clicking the icons right? That brings us to the important stuff - Desktop 1 and 2. This is the whole reason for this talk, so I'm not going to tell you to delete them now am I ? In the SYSTEM directory, you can get rid of the TOOLS, DRIVERS, and FONTS Directories ONLY if you don't plan on running programs that use them. That is probably all Prodos 8 programs and some P16 programs. You can get rid of the Desk.Accs directory if you don't have any CDAS that can be run from the control panel. In the SYSTEM.SETUP directory, only the Tool.Setup file is needed. The rest are expendable. What are we left with? Well Prodos 16 which is executed when the disk is first booted. This will run P16 in the /SYSTEM directory. This will in turn run DESKTOP.SYS16 which is a one block program which does nothing more than run Prodos 8. P8 will in turn run the only P8 program it can find - the DESKTOP. Well when everything is said and done - we have reduced the system disk to a mere 451 blocks. A savings of about 1000 blocks! What do we get for that? We get a very nice general purpose program launcher/desktop and disk cataloguer that takes half the time to load as the normal system disk, and can be added to any of your 800k disks to run your favorite application or can be loaded into a ram disk for quick reboot. You can then run both P16 and P8 programs and will return to the desktop quickly when you exit your application. Since we threw away most of the tools and fonts, the only restriction on the P16 programs is that they not use these, otherwise you may have to load from the system disk. So - that's about as small as you can get on that desktop and system disk. I hope this will be of some value to someone. I'd appreciate some comments on these little help articles, just so I know I'm not alone in the world. So until next time - good computing! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>DISPLAY SOFT SWITCHES<<<< by Jim Lubin Location Name Function Hex Decimal Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXT On: Display Text $C051 49233 -16303 Off: Display Graphics $C050 49232 -16304 Read TEXT Switch $C01A 49178 -16358 Read MIXED On: Text With Graphics $C053 49235 -16301 1 Off: Full Graphics $C052 49234 -16302 1 Read MIXED Switch $C01B 49179 -16357 Read PAGE2 On: Display Page 2 $C055 49237 -16299 2 Off: Display Page 1 $C054 49236 -16300 2 Read PAGE2 Switch $C01C 49180 -16356 Read HIRES On: Graphics = High-Resolution $C057 49239 -16297 1 Off: Graphics = Low-Resolution $C056 49238 -16298 1 Read HIRES Switch $C01D 49181 -16355 Read 80COL On: Display 80 Columns $C00D 49165 -16371 Write Off: Display 40 Columns $C00C 49164 -16372 Write Read 80COL Switch $C01F 49183 -16353 Read 80STORE On: Store in Auxiliary Page $C001 49153 -16383 Write,3 Off: Store in Main Page $C000 49152 -16384 Write,3 Read 80STORE Switch $C018 49176 -16360 Read Notes: (1) This mode is only effective when TEXT switch is off. (2) This switch had a different function when 80STORE is on. (3) This switch changes the function of the PAGE2 switch for addressing the display memory on the extended text card. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Auxiliary-Memory Select Switches Location Name Function Hex Decimal Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAMRD On: Read Aux. 48K $C003 49155 -16381 Write Off: Read Main 48K $C002 49154 -16382 Write Read RAMRD Switch $C013 49171 -16365 Read RAMWRT On: Write Aux. 48K $C005 49157 -16379 Write Off: Write Main 48K $C004 49156 -16380 Write Read RAMWRT Switch $C014 49172 -16354 Read ALTZP On: Aux. Stack, Zero Page, and Bank-Switched Memory $C009 49161 -16373 Write Off: Aux. Stack, Zero Page, and Bank-Switched Memory $C008 49160 -16374 Write Read ALTZP Switch $C016 49174 -16360 Read 80STORE On: Access Page 1X $C001 49153 -16383 Write Off: Use RAMRD, RAMWRT $C000 49152 -16384 Write Read 80STORE Switch $C018 49176 -16360 Read PAGE2 On: Access Aux. Memory $C055 49237 -16299 1 Off: Access Main Memory $C054 49236 -16300 1 Read PAGE2 Switch $C01C 49180 -16356 Read HIRES On: Access High-Resolution Page 1X $C057 49239 -16297 2 Off: Use RAMRD, REMWRT $C056 49238 -16298 2 Read HIRES Switch $C01D 49181 -16355 Read Notes: (1) When 80STORE is on, the PAGE2 switch works as shown; when 80STORE is off, PAGE2 doesn't affect the auxiliary memory. (2) When 80STORE is on, the HIRES switch enables you to use the PAGE2 switch~ to select between high-resolution Page 1 areas in main and auxiliary memory. To have enough memory locations for all of the soft switches and remain compatible with the Apple ][ and Apple ][ Plus, the soft switches listed in the table above share their memory locations with the keyboard functions. Whichever operation-read or write-is shown in the table for controlling the auxiliary memory is the one that is NOT used for reading the keyboard and clearing the strobe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>VIDEO VEGAS<<<< Reviewed by Conrad D. Cox There is something "special" about Las Vegas. I don't know if it's the dry desert climate, the inordinate number of lights that burn all night long, or the musical stage shows. For me, it's not the gambling that's the draw. Frankly, I shy away from the tables in the casinos. But I do enjoy the video slot machines! There is no involvement with a dealer at a table, and no embarrassment when you lose. Video Vegas, an entertaining package from Baudville, is a collection of three popular video slot games - Lucky 7 Slot Machine, Draw Poker, Blackjack, and Keno. Like the real machines in Vegas, these games are easy to play and seem to entertain for hours. Also like the real machines, Video Vegas is rich in graphics. The only thing missing in Video Vegas is the paper cup to hold your silver dollars! Starting up Video Vegas displays an animated view of the Las Vegas Strip, the lights from the casinos shining brightly in the night. Pressing the SPACE BAR displays Video Vegas's menu. From here one can select the game of choice. Oh, I forgot to mention, you start out with a bankroll of $1000.00. The good news about that is that it's not out of your pocket. And, of course, the bad news is that it's not real. The slot machine game is as exciting as the real ones. It is the same 3-reel dollar machine that is found in all the casinos. You can bet from one to three dollars. Pressing RETURN will cause the coins to drop into the slot and the reels to spin. The positions of the cherries, bars, plums, 7s, bells and bars determine the payoff. If you hit a winning combination, your coins drop into the tray at the bottom of the machine. Baudville claims that the payoff rate is 98%. I try to walk away from the machine a few pulls after a jackpot. (I did mention that the money is pretend, didn't I?!?) Keno has never been one of my favorite games, and I never play it at Vegas. But I do visit the Video Vegas version of Keno from time to time. After all, it's not my money! Draw Poker is played just like the video counterparts found in the casinos. You can bet one to five dollars. Five cards are dealt to you, face up. Now you must decide which cards to keep and which to throw out for new ones. The left and right arrow keys and the space bar are used to select the cards that will be discarded. Press RETURN, and you get your new cards. Video Vegas will pay on a low hand of one pair, Jacks or better. My favorite of the four games is Blackjack. You may select the number of decks to be used in the game. Wagers can range from two to twenty dollars. Place your bet, and press RETURN to deal. The game is played with rules similar to the "standard" Las Vegas rules. Video Vegas's Blackjack recognizes 'naturals,' and allows 'doubles,' 'splits,' and 'insurance.' One of the nice features of Video Vegas's version is the ability to display the number of cards played from the current deck. This is helpful for those who want to "try a system" before hitting the tables with real money. The Video Vegas programs were written in BASIC. Using Baudville's TAKE 1 and PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT, you can actually modify some of the parameters of the games. For example, you can change the starting bankroll amount. Imagine changing the reels in the Lucky 7 slot machine game! You can alter the odds and the payoff dramatically by doing so. The manual provides information on how to make these modifications. The 15 page manual that accompanies Video Vegas explains the rules to the four games. It is written in an easy-to-read style and has a table of contents. Video Vegas requires an Apple IIc, IIe, or II+ with at least 64K memory and one disk drive. Baudville warrants the program diskette to be free from defects for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. Video Vegas fulfills my dream of playing the video slots without having to worry about losing my shirt. I recommend it to anyone who has a similar affliction, or just likes to pretend they are back in that small desert. Baudville 1001 Medical Park Dr., S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 (616) 957-3036 $29.95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>APPLE // TECHNICAL NOTES<<<< Apple IIGS Technical Note #13: ROM 1.0 Modem Firmware Bug Written by: Mike Askins April 2, 1987 This technical note describes an Apple IIGS ROM 1.0 modem port anomaly and workaround. Problem The serial firmware in Apple IIGS ROM 1.0 has a problem with a modem port that has buffering enabled. If an application sends the BAUD rate (^AnB), data format (^AnD), or parity (^AnP) commands through the serial flow, interrupts are disabled inadvertently. On the third READ from the port the firmware will hang, waiting for a receive interrupt which will never occur, locking up the system. Fix Forcing Buffering Programmatically If you want buffering (or don't care), send the buffering enable command (^ABE) after the last BAUD, data format, or parity command. If you don't want buffering, disable it with ^ABD; otherwise it could be set to ON in the Control Panel and you could run into the bug. Letting the User Control Buffering If you want the user to be able to control whether buffering is or is not used from the control panel, use the GetModeBits command in the extended interface to determine whether buffering has been selected. (Do this call only after the PINIT call, of course.) If buffering is enabled, do the ^ABE after the last BAUD, data format, or parity command. If it's disabled, no special treatment is required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>IMAGEWRITER TECHNICAL NOTE #1 -- CUSTOM FONT SELECTION<<<< Written by: Rilla Reynolds 10/86 Because of an ImageWriter // firmware bug, the ESC ' command will not (re)select Custom Font 1 after Custom Font 2 is selected, unless an errant pointer is fixed with the following command sequence: 7-bit mode: ESC Z 00 20 ESC D 00 20 ESC ' 8-bit mode: ESC Z 00 20 ESC ' The ImageWriter I's ESC ' command works correctly, and the above sequence is acceptable to the ImageWriter I as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>APPLE UNIDISK 3.5: SPEC SHEET<<<< I. Technical Specifications A. Recording Media: 1. Disk diameter: 3.5 inches 2. Recording surfaces: 2 WARNING: Disks used in UniDisk 3.5 must contain certified DOUBLE-SIDED media. 3. Tracks per surface: 80 B. Capacities: 1. Formatted data: 800 kilobytes 2. Unformatted data: 1,246 kilobytes C. Driver Characteristics: 1. Access Time: a. Seek time (track to track): 6 milliseconds maximum b. Settle time: 30 milliseconds maximum c. Drive-motor start time: 600 milliseconds maximum 2. Transfer Rate: 500 Kilobits 3. Eject time: 2 seconds maximum D. Power Consumption: 1. +12 volts a. Standby: 10 microamps b. Typical: 120 milliamps c. Peak: 600 milliamps during eject 2. +5 volts a. Standby: 170 milliamps b. Typical: 360 milliamps E. Head Position Tolerance: Plus or minus 0.035 mm F. Environmental Requirements: 1. Temperature: Degrees Fahrenheit Celsius a. Operating: 40 to 120 5 to 50 b. Nonoperating: 40 to 140 -40 to 60 2. Humidity: 5% to 90% a. Maximum wet bulb temperature: 85 F, 29 C b. No condensation G. Physical Dimensions: inches millimeters 1. Length: 7.87 200 2. Width: 4.72 120 3. Height: 2.01 51 II. System Configuration: A. Apple IIc -- A second UniDisk 3.5 can be plugged into the first -- An additional Disk IIc can be plugged into the first (or second) UniDisk 3.5 B. Apple II, Apple II Plus, Apple IIe -- With UniDisk 3.5 Apple IIe Accessory Kit -- A second UniDisk 3.5 can be plugged into the first. -- Patt Haring UUCP: ..cmcl2!phri!dasys1!patth Big Electric Cat Compu$erve: 76566,2510 New York, NY, USA MCI Mail: 306-1255; GEnie: PHaring
lc@pbhyd.UUCP (Larry Colton) (08/07/87)
In article <1005@dasys1.UUCP> patth@dasys1.UUCP (Patt Haring) writes: > > ** AAUGmentations ** Despite several messages asking that restraint be used when posting large files to this group, we continue to receive large files from Patt Haring at The Big Electric Cat. Here is a summary of the last 32 messages received in at this site: From # total size % of tot average size -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Haring 8 118599 74 14825 ALL others 24 41551 26 1731 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 32 160150 100 5005 Mr Haring, please respect that these communications are not free and many sites have limited storage available. The only consequence of this is that some sites may be forced to drop (or info-apple) from their list. Your cooperation is appreciated. --- Larry Colton {ihnp4,pyramid,qantel}!ptsfa!pbhyd!lc Pacific * Bell San Diego
lwv@n8emr.UUCP (Larry W. Virden) (08/08/87)
This sure is a peculiar group. Lots of folks have hollered for the past few months over wanting a source and binaries group. What in the world are you going to do with them, if things are so short on storage that youcannot handle small messages like Patt has been loading? I dont think that penalizing the folks with access to large systems by saying that we may not use to post informative and useful programs and news is appropriate. It is up to micro users to write appropriate software to handle the transfer of large programs. Otherwise, we might as well just forget even attempting to support any kind of electronic communications. -- Larry W. Virden 75046,606 (CIS) 674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 864-8817 cbosgd!n8emr!lwv HAM/SWL BBS (HBBS) 614-457-4227.. 300/1200 bps We haven't inherited the world from our parents, but borrowed it from our children.