rre@ihlpg.ATT.COM (Velveteen Rabbit Corps) (08/18/87)
Hi, y'all. It's question time again, so everyone put on their thinking caps. Mail order houses in computer magazines do a good job of finding a cheap(er) outlet for software, but I have a difficult time finding good computer books. Most of the ones I find are beginner-rated, and very few offer any advanced or theoretical concepts. The only bookstore that sells decent computer books is B. Dalton in downtown Chicago, but their Apple // section (this is before GS, and won't help me post-GS either) is minimal; again, mostly beginner stuff. They don't have much theory; their "general" books usuall deal with a specific compiler or computer ("AI Using Turbo Prolog"). Their big with IBM and MAc and Amiga, but not Apple //. So, does anyone know of any mail order bookstores? OR where I can get a catalog of computer literature on the market? Theory books? Etc? Thanks, Roger Espinosa -- Roger R. Espinosa Live from the Rabbit Ranch ihnp4!ihlpg!rre
lwv@n8emr.UUCP (Larry W. Virden) (08/20/87)
Try the Apple Programmer and Developer's Association (APDA). They attempt to carry a HUGE number of Apple specific as well as general books on computers (and Macs of course). Their prices are not a MAJOR benefit, but they are often a bit below list price. -- Larry W. Virden 75046,606 (CIS) 674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 864-8817 cbosgd!n8emr!lwv HAM/SWL BBS (HBBS) 614-457-4227.. 300/1200 bps We haven't inherited the world from our parents, but borrowed it from our children.
kamath@reed.UUCP (Sean Kamath) (08/20/87)
In article <3676@ihlpg.ATT.COM> rre@ihlpg.ATT.COM (Velveteen Rabbit Corps) writes: > >Hi, y'all. > >It's question time again, so everyone put on their thinking caps. > >So, does anyone know of any mail order bookstores? OR where I can get a catalog >of computer literature on the market? Theory books? Etc? > >Thanks, >Roger Espinosa Well, at this point, about 90% of my book shave come from B. Daltons. It took me a long time to build up a collection, and I go to evey one I get a chance to go to, either in Iowa, Oregon, or New York. So far, I now believe that it is better to write to the publisher for a list of books with Apple // as a topic. As far as I know, the two best sources are SAMS, and Penguin Books. There is also the Balcksburg Continuing education series. Other than that, I try to go to non-chain stores, like a place called Powell's Books here in Portland. THe deal in used books, and they sometime have interesting stuff. If anyone wants an address, I think I could scroung one up. Or just go to the store and pull it off a book. Sean Kamath -- UUCP: {decvax allegra ucbcad ucbvax hplabs ihnp4}!tektronix!reed!kamath CSNET: reed!kamath@Tektronix.CSNET || BITNET: reed!kamath@Berkeley.BITNET ARPA: tektronix!reed!kamath@Berkeley <or> reed!kamath@hplabs US Snail: 3934 SE Boise, Portland, OR 97202 (I hate 4 line .sigs!)