[comp.sys.apple] VT100 TERMINAL EMULATION FOR APPLE ][s


I've used SOFTERM 2 for some time, and found it satisfactory. Its major 
limitations are: 1. Doesn't support 3.5 inch disks. 2. Doesn't run under 
ProDOS although it reads and writes ProDOS (as well as Pascal, DOS 3.3, and 
CPM files). 3. Full utilization requires either that a hardware card 
(supplied with the software, of course) be plugged into a slot of an Apple 
][, ][+, or ][e, or into the joystick port of a ][c, or that a supplied 
utility be used to synthesize the three extra keys that the hardware otherwise

VT100 emulation is fine at 1200 baud, but I have no experience at higher rates.

Twenty-three terminals are emulated, ranging from ADDS Regent 20 to TeleVideo
950 (DEC VT52 and VT100 are somewhere in the middle).

SOFTERM 2 is published by Softronics, 7899 Lexington Dr., Suite 210, Colorado 
Springs CO 80918.  Tel:800-255-8590; telex: 450236.

****DISCLAMER: My comments, etc., are my own shakey opinions ********

  |  Bruce P. Halpern  Psychology & Neurobiology & Behavior Cornell Ithaca |
  |  ARPA: halp@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu                                     |
  |  BITNET: HALP@CRNLTHRY      D57J@CORNELLA      D57J@CRNLVAX5           |
  |  PHONE: 607-255-6433    Uris Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY 14853-7601   |