patth@dasys1.UUCP (Patt Haring) (09/26/87)
I have just uploaded two files to APPL2-L@BROWNVM.BITNET; APW.TC.DOX is the documentation file for APW.TC.SYS.EXEC which adds a three column function to AppleWorks so you can print out mailing lists, etc. Actually, it will give you a two, three, four or five column format, but read the documentation on this PUBLIC DOMAIN program by Bruce Mah for further information. -- Patt Haring UUCP: ..cmcl2!phri!dasys1!patth Big Electric Cat Compu$erve: 76566,2510 New York, NY, USA MCI Mail: 306-1255; GEnie: PHaring (212) 879-9031 FidoNet Mail: 1:107/132 or 107/222