[comp.sys.apple] Kermit v3.79...


I've solved my previous problem about getting Kermit installed. I found
a copy of the SSC driver on another disk along with the TXT files of Kermit
v3.78. When I used this one, everything went fine. I think the copy on the
file server might be bad.

Now on to other matters...

VT-100 emulation is working much better with v3.79. There is one small bug
which should be brought up. When using the EDT editor on the VAX, the
bottom line isn't cleared when the rest of the screen is.

For instance, when I invoke the editor, the command is left on line 23 (line
24 is blank because when I hit the <CR> after the command, the command is
moved up one line. So I guess the bottom two lines aren't cleared.

It also doesn't clear when I refresh the screen.

This is a very minor bug. I only thought I would mention it in case the author
would like to look into it.

Thanks alot,
