[comp.sys.apple] Kermit 3.79 Easy install


Ted Medin has kindly posted the "easy install" HEX files for his
latest Apple Kermit-65 (version 3.79) to APPLE2-L.  The documentation
for version 3.78 remains applicable.

If you aren't receiving APPLE2-L and you want the easy install, send
mail to LISTSERV@BROWNVM.bitnet
(aka LISTSERV%BROWNVM.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu)
with the body of the message reading:

GET APPLE2-L 87-00149
GET APPLE2-L 87-00150
GET APPLE2-L 87-00151
GET APPLE2-L 87-00022

The last file (00022) is documention (in case you don't already have that
for version 3.78).  If you're on UUCP, then maybe the LISTSERV will get
the return address correct, and maybe it won't (sorry).

ARPA:   sewall%uconnvm.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu       Murphy A. Sewall
BITNET: SEWALL@UCONNVM                          School of Business Admin.
UUCP:   ...ihnp4!psuvax1!UCONNVM.BITNET!SEWALL  University of Connecticut