If the WISCVM gateway to arpanet isn't replaced, then APPLE2-L won't have a way to reach arpanet subscribers and others whose subscriptions are routed through the same gateway (milnet?). UUCP addresses (when they work at all) are served through the gateway at PSUVAX1. I presume, if you're getting APPLE2-L that way, service should be unaffected. Some UUCP mail goes through ucbvax (Berkeley) which should remain valid. There also is a gateway to arpanet at Berkeley, but since I haven't seen any plan to change route tables in that direction I gather there is no plan for Berkeley to pick up where WISCVM leaves off (i.e, probably Berkeley isn't going to accept anything near the 10,000 pieces of mail/files going through Wicsconsin every day). --------------------- ARPA: Murphy A. Sewall BITNET: SEWALL@UCONNVM School of Business Admin. UUCP: ...ihnp4!psuvax1!UCONNVM.BITNET!SEWALL University of Connecticut
lwv@n8emr.UUCP (Larry W. Virden) (10/18/87)
Mr. Sewall, I was unable to find a way back to you, even using your uucp path as in your msg. So I will attempt to discuss this here. I dont know about anyone else, but as of today I am still unable to get a single item to the listserv at brownvm. I am about to try yet again, but even after I succeed, I have yet to hear of anyone who is getting software from the server. I _DID_ receive the software for running a uucp server; alas, I have no machine to run the software on! If you are reading and would like to allow usenet/uucp users the privilege of getting Apple II software (and for that matter, anything else that you would like to share) from your machine, AND you have a C compiler and a Bourne/Korn style shell, PLEASE contact me and I will send along what I have gotten. Thanks! -- Larry W. Virden 75046,606 (CIS) 674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 864-8817 cbosgd!n8emr!lwv HAM/SWL BBS (HBBS) 614-457-4227.. 300/1200 bps We haven't inherited the world from our parents, but borrowed it from our children.