patth@dasys1.UUCP (Patt Haring) (10/19/87)
This is an answer to Bob Church's request for info on the Spanish version(s) of FrEDwriter/FrEDsender; sorry to post this to the *net* but our mailer is bouncing mail back. FrEDsender can also be used with the Apple ][c but *only* at 300 Baud; this program is used primarily in a CMS (comupter message system) - if you'd like to see it in operation call the San Leandro site (300/1200 Baud, 24 hrs) at 415-895-1785. FrEDwriter and FrEDsender may be available in languages other than English and Spanish; for more information contact: Hands On Training Co. 4021 Allen School Road Bonita, CA 92002 If you'd rather download both FrEDsender and FrEDwriter you can do so by calling: OPEN CAMPUS BBS (300/1200/2400 baud, 24 hrs) at 415-895-0135 Los Angeles TEC (300/1200 baud, 24 hrs) at 213-803-3166 Children's Television Workshop BBS (30/1200 Baud, 24 hrs) at 212-595-4588 N.B.: The downloads are ENGLISH versions! Here's the introductory information on both FrEDsender/writer: FrEdSender Release Notes # Version 2.1a March 16, 1987 At long last, the new release of FrEd- Sender is here. We've included bug fixes and new features that many of you have requested. FrEdSender now sup- ports the Hayes Micromodem IIe and the Prometheus ProModem. It should also support any modem that is compatible with the Micromodem or the Hayes exter- nal/Super Serial card set-up. Also the Apple IIc can now be used with FrEdSender (hooray!), but only at 300 baud (boo!). Some of you have requested things like full pathname support, the ability to use a hard disk or network, etc. FrEd- Sender is not a power users program. It was designed to give the novice or casual user an easy-to-use, inexpensive telecommunications tool. You don't have to understand pathnames before you can use FrEdSender, nor do you have to save capture buffers, configuration data, phone numbers and so forth; these were some of our design goals. A power user will be better off with one of the fine full-featured commercial telecom- munications programs that are avail- able. The following are some miscellaneous comments on this version of FrEdSender: If you have an Apple II+, TAKE OUT YOUR 80 COLUMN CARD. The documentation printer now allows you to include or exclude linefeeds. FrEdSender intercepts the last dis- playable character on the screen so it can perform an interruptable line feed. This is necessary due to a bug in the original Apple IIe ROMs. This means that a character that would normally get displayed in the 80th column (or 40th on a 40 column Apple) gets wrapped down to the next line. (S)END will ignore a carriage return that appears as the first character of a text file. This is required for compatibility with the CMS School Net BBS. (A)NSWER THE PHONE first stores each received file with the name 'file.x' where 'x' is a sequential number. It then renames each file to the correct name when the transmission is com- plete. If you forget to use a newly formatted disk and you happen to have a file that has the same name as one that's been transmitted, the rename will fail. The transmitted file will still be on your disk, however, with the name 'file.x' where x is some number. If you use an Apple with a single floppy drive, be sure that your FrEd- Sender disk (side 1) is in drive 1 whenever you end a program. The menu program tries to re-load itself from side 1 of the FrEdSender disk. It gets very unhappy if it can't do this. Don't use your FrEdSender disk as a data disk. There isn't any room left. When dialing, you may insert a 1 sec- ond pause by inserting a comma in the number to be dialed (ex: 9,555-1212). Two commas will pause for two seconds. There is one correction to the documen- tation for setting up the Promethues ProModem. It's on page 7 under 'Set the jumpers as follows:'. 'Carrier De- tect - put the jumper over the TOP two pins' should read 'Put the jumper over the BOTTOM two pins'. You may set the file type by using the File Type selection in the File Select- or program. This is useful because all files downloaded with Xmodem have their file type set to Txt. By separating the Xmodem and file-typing functions, you can download files from non-Apple systems. When using the File Selector to type files downloaded using Xmodem, cer- tain restrictions are necessary. The File Selector will not correctly type Var type files. Also, the File Sel- ector will assume a page 1 hires pic- ture for binary file types, and a ran- dom access record length of 1 for ran- dom access text files. A random access text file must be explicitly retyped by using the File Selector to set its rec- ord length to 1, otherwise it is assum- ed to be a plain text file. Sys files and Bas files are retyped correctly. Note that you do not need to retype plain text files. We appreciate your comments even if we don't write back. Everything gets read and taken into consideration. Michael (Mick) Fitzgerald Hal Gibson 03/16/87 FrEDwriter v.4 is an easy ProDOS word processor for beginners to use; it has a tutorial that will walk you thru all phases of using the program to format a disk, copy a document, edit a text file, etc. FrEDwriter works with FrEDsender so that students who have created text files using FrEDwriter can send them via modem to their teachers at school and friends on other BBS systems. KIDWIRE is a special feature on CMS School-Net; students report on the news and use FrEDwriter to create their text files of important news and then send them along the CMS School-Net system using the FrEDsender program. -- Patt Haring UUCP: ..cmcl2!phri!dasys1!patth Big Electric Cat Compu$erve: 76566,2510 New York, NY, USA MCI Mail: 306-1255; GEnie: PHaring (212) 879-9031 FidoNet Mail: 1:107/132 or 107 swwr