gillam@hpfcpk.HP.COM ( Larry Gillam) (10/14/87)
Guys......... Allen, on Oct. 2nd, requested a report on applefest. I have been patiently waiting for the report to be posted, but haven't seen anything yet. I have seen a posting of one persons personal account(parites,etc.), but not any REAL information as what new products are being offered for the IIGS? Did I miss something? Still waiting patiently.......... Larry
kamath@reed.UUCP (Sean Kamath) (10/21/87)
I know that people are waiting for info about Applefest, and I am sorry I am taking so long to post it. I now have about 20 pages (written) that I need to type in. SInce I don't own a GS< I was not that enthusiastic about GS stuff. However, since someday I will own one, I did pay attention to some things. While I am note going to give a "Product Spotlight" or "evaluations", keep in mind that I am an Apple // freak, and that this is one heavily biased report of what happened, and not abridged. Since Robins car is (maybe) fixed (just need to slap on new carb. . . :-() and Mine's going into the shop Thurs (And the tuneup and valve adjustment is *done*) I may have the time to do it, oh, Thurs night. No garentees. (THey really ought to change teh spelling of that word! I know there's a 'u' in it somewhere!). And Yes, I am rewriting from scratch executioner 3.3 to do unlimited file size compaction under dos 3.3 and maybe prodos. That's why I haven't put it out yet. I decided to do it right, along the lines of UUENCODE/UUDECODE. Sean Kamath -- UUCP: {decvax allegra ucbcad ucbvax hplabs ihnp4}!tektronix!reed!kamath CSNET: reed!kamath@Tektronix.CSNET || BITNET: reed!kamath@Berkeley.BITNET ARPA: tektronix!reed!kamath@Berkeley <or> reed!kamath@hplabs US Snail: 3934 SE Boise, Portland, OR 97202 (I hate 4 line .sigs!)