[comp.sys.apple] apple II+'s for school

halp@TCGOULD.TN.CORNELL.EDU ("Bruce P. Halpern") (10/21/87)

1. AppleWorks 2.0 (?and 1.3 ?) will recognize RamFactor, and automatically 
expand desk top. However, 2.0, at least, will grab all of RamFactor in its 
partition for desktop, and leave none for Ramdisk (you may or may not care 
about that). RamFactor cannot go into slot 3.

2. If you can get some old 128K expansion cards, such as the Titan/Saturn, etc., 
at a *very good* (= almost nothing) price, then Plus-Works, or Plus-Works ][, 
published by Norwich Data Services, Ltd., P.O. Box 356, East Norwich, NY 
11732-0356 [tel: 516-922-9584; 210-679-0594) will allow AppleWorks on a ][+ 
(and, incidently, will expand the desktop on a ][e), as long as the memory 
card does not have a ribbon connector the must be connector to the motherboard.
Plus-Works II is sold for $40 by A.P.P.L.E. Co-op (290 SW 43rd St., Renton WA 
98055. [tel:206-251-5222]), the published of Call A.P.P.L.E.

3. The CPU in Apple ][+ and unenhanced ][e is 6502; in ][c and enhanced ][e, 
65C02. Speed is 1 Meg Hz. For more speed, the ][+ or ][e will take an 
Applied Engineering Transwarp card (list = $219) in slots 1-7 (including slot 3  even when there is an 80 column card in auxiliary slot) and will then have 
a 65C02 CPU, a clock speed of 3.6 M Hz, and more memory. Applied Engineering 
is at P.O. Box 798, Carrollton TX 75006 [tel:214-241-6060]).

4. Good luck!

****DISCLAMER: My comments, etc., are my own shakey opinions ********

  |  Bruce P. Halpern  Psychology & Neurobiology & Behavior Cornell Ithaca |
  |  ARPA: halp@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu                                     |
  |  BITNET: HALP@CRNLTHRY      D57J@CORNELLA      D57J@CRNLVAX5           |
  |  PHONE: 607-255-6433    Uris Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY 14853-7601   |