dipto@umbc3.UMD.EDU (Dipto Chakravarty ) (11/22/87)
Hi, Need some wisdom from our experts ---- I am trying to transfer some files from apple format to IBM format. It is becoming a nightmare. The last time I worked with Apples, was three years ago while taking my assembly language class for B.S. Well, I am providing you all with detailed information hereunder so that you, my friends can come up with a solution for me. * The files on the Apple II+ have been written using a word-processor called "Word Handler", marketed by Silicon Valley Software. This confounded firm went out of business sometime ago. Hence, there is no way to approach the technical software team. * From CATALOGing the disk one would understand that the files are all of type `applesoft' and the length for ALL the files are 0 i.e. zero sectors (except the HELLO file which is 002 sectors long). I even used the INSPECTOR disk scanning utility to verify these entries in the VTOC of the floppy disks. An add-on card called "Quad-Link" lets an IBM PC run 6502 softwares with one of its disk-drives acting as an Apple drive and the other remaining as a PC drive. We tried to transfer the files from the Apple disk-drive to the IBM PC disk-drive, but without much success (the software disk just wouldn't boot under this emulated 6502 mode on the PC). So, file transfer could not be achieved this way. Any suggestions/wisdom/solutions will be greatly appreciated. Our prime objective is to move the files from that Apple word-processor format to any other readable environment, so that the files can be moved around on the VAx or PCs. Kindly send me e-mail or post on the net. I appreciate your time. Thanks in advance
halp@TCGOULD.TN.CORNELL.EDU ("Bruce P. Halpern") (11/25/87)
1. Should your Quad-link "Apple in an IBM" do what you want? If so, any idea why it doesn't work? If not, what **is** is supposed to do/what does it do? 2. If you can convert to Mac format (e.g., via ProLink), then you could use (the literature says) MatchMaker, a hardware/software item from Micro Solutionc, Inc. (132 W. Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb IL 60115, tel:815-756-3411) at $150 list that is supposed to allow Mac/IBM-PC interchanges after the hardware (card) is plugged into a PC (Half-size expansion slot). Said to work on both 400K and 800K disks, using a Mac external drive (400K Mac external drives are now extensively used as door stops, and should be available as modest cost.OD) ****DISCLAMER: My comments, etc., are my own shakey opinions ******** | Bruce P. Halpern Psychology & Neurobiology & Behavior Cornell Ithaca | | ARPA: halp@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu | | BITNET: HALP@CRNLTHRY D57J@CORNELLA D57J@CRNLVAX5 | | PHONE: 607-255-6433 Uris Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY 14853-7601 |
kamath@reed.UUCP (Sean Kamath) (11/28/87)
Well, sometimes I've had a problem like this. It's usually caused by copy protection. So, how do you get around it? Well, here's how I do it. I try hard to get a direct link to our vax (I'm lucky. Failing this, a second computer with a serial port works fine. . .) and set up the word processor to print to my serial port. Thus, I "send" the file to the vax as straight ASCII. Unfortunately, with todays "wonderful" font-laden programs, this can cause big problems. Sean kamath -- UUCP: {decvax allegra ucbcad ucbvax hplabs ihnp4}!tektronix!reed!kamath CSNET: reed!kamath@Tektronix.CSNET || BITNET: reed!kamath@Berkeley.BITNET ARPA: tektronix!reed!kamath@Berkeley <or> reed!kamath@hplabs US Snail: 3934 SE Boise, Portland, OR 97202 (I hate 4 line .sigs!)