Max Hauser's message about voting may have been grumpy, but it was right on the money (and following a couple of wasted "votes" from the disenfranchised). For all readers on bitnet, Larry Virden's address (he's the one to whome votes MUST BE SENT!!! <---- Nota Bene ALL) from bitnet is: cbosgd!gwspc!cbcsta!n8emr!lwv@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU PLEASE NOTE! If your mailer is like mine and wants to turn all addresses into upper case, that ucbvax DOESN'T UNDERSTAND UPPER CASE ADDRESSES (you have to "cheat" by typing over the upper case with lower case charcters or use your editors "get" command to get the address from another file). Larry: how about putting that address in your signature? If you're on apranet or milnet, there's a gateway at Berkeley ( which you should be able to use to get to ucbvax. If you're on UUCP, I trust Larry's left a common backbone address in there somewhere. --------------------- (NOTE! until 12/1/87 use ARPA: Murphy A. Sewall BITNET: SEWALL@UCONNVM School of Business Admin. UUCP: ...ihnp4!psuvax1!UCONNVM.BITNET!SEWALL University of Connecticut