[comp.sys.apple] characters


Here's the characters. No problem here.
Note. however, that the reply from dtchen@cory.berkeley.edu had substituted
a control char. which prints as ;;;;; for ^^^^^ (circumflex, up arrow).

      |||||       Vertical Bar
      \\\\\       Backslash
      `````       Grave, reverse apostraphe
      ~~~~~       Tilde, squiggly line
      [[[[[       Hard left bracket
      ]]]]]       Hard right bracket
      {{{{{       Curly left bracket
      }}}}}       Curly right bracket
      !!!!!       Exclamation point
      @@@@@       At sign
      #####       Number
      $$$$$       Dollar sign
      %%%%%       Percentage
      ^^^^^       Circumflex, up arrow
      &&&&&       Ampersand
      *****       Asterisk
      (((((       Left parenthesis
      )))))       Right parenthesis
      -----       Hyphen
      _____       Underscore
      =====       Equals
      +++++       Plus
      :::::       Colon
      ;;;;;       Semicolon
      '''''       Single quote
      """""       Double quote
      /////       Slash
      ?????       Question mark
      <<<<<       Left angle bracket
      >>>>>       Right angle bracket
      ,,,,,       Comma
      .....       Period