[comp.sys.apple] screen dump DA and ProGrappler

MAT6013@DMZRZU71.BITNET (Matthias Kapffer) (12/14/87)

 The  ProGrappler  build  in  CDA allows you to dump (at any time where you can
call  the  CDA  menu) everything except block graphics and page 2 of the double
modes  (80  col  text & double hires) with rotation, scaling, inverting, window
selection,  color  (on appropriate printers) etc. - text of course will be just

 I  have  no  troubles with most of the software especially those accessing the
hardware  directly  - actually switching from Grappler+ to ProGrappler solved a
lot  of troubles I had: When sending new data to quick after an acknowledge for
the  last  byte  was detected some of the characters could get lost on my Epson
FX-105  printer  (via  a  centronics type parallel connection !). This was even
worser after upgrading from a ][+ to IIgs (not only in the fast mode !).

But the ProGrappler has also some incompatiblities, quirks and bugs:
-  The  IRQ-on-ACK  feature  silently has been removed (I already had some self
  made software using this like a printer buffer under ProDOS BASIC).
-  Entering  and leaving the CDA selects annunciator 3 off ($C05E) switching to
  double hires while using hires and 80 col text.
-  The  firmware insists on the printer being online, feed with paper etc. much
  to  often,  for  example  when  the interface gets initialized forcing you to
  turn  on the printer (and load paper) or deselect slot 1 in the control panel
  everytime  booting Apple Pascal or CP/M although it may not be needed or when
  you  call the CDA (confusingly looks like a "silent" crash - no invitation to
  place the printer online !).
-  Changing  the  command  character  from  ^I  to  ^Y  will  survive  the next
  initialization  (even  with  the  hold mode off as per default) causing a tab
  character  to  be  send to the printer when the program is run for the second

Does anybody know if there is a newer version of the firmware (mine is 1.0) ?

                                        Matthias Kapffer