jib@prism.UUCP (12/30/87)
Has anyone used the IIGS basic interpreter (produced by Apple, available exclusively -- I think -- from APDA)? I am interested in a review. It is supposed to accept the same language syntax as the TML Basic compiler. I am also interested in comments/review on the TML Basic compiler. Thanks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Block {cca, ihnp4!inmet, mit-eddie, wjh12, datacube} !mirror!prism!jib Matthew Bender Inc, 11 Penn Plaza, NY, NY 10001 (212) 216-8018
jib@prism.UUCP (01/05/88)
In case anyone else is interested, the December 1987 issue of Call-A.P.P.L.E. magazine has a review of GSBasic. I am still interested in user evaluations and TML Basic reviews. Also mentioned in the article was ORCA/Basic from Byte Works. Anyone seen or tried it? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Block {cca, ihnp4!inmet, mit-eddie, wjh12, datacube} !mirror!prism!jib Matthew Bender Inc, 11 Penn Plaza, NY, NY 10001 (212) 216-8018
TML Basic compiler will not ship until late Jan 88 (based on telephone call yesterday), due to documentation printing delays. I have a copy on order but have been promised delivery as of last November, then December, now January, and time will tell..... ORCA/Basic is not released yet and is undergoing development. Non-disclosure precludes further discussion at present time. Bud
mcgurrin@MITRE.ARPA (01/06/88)
As someone who is planning on ordering TML Basic, I much appreciate the infor information that it is not yet shipping. Do you happen to know about the speech toolkit that can be used with it? Also, for those interested, there's another Basic being advertised (Absoft Basic), which I understand is not compatible with GS Basic, but it mostly compatible with Basic dialects on the Mac and IBM PC. It is supposed to support the GS graphics and sound ca capabilities also. I don't know if it's shipping, I do know it exists in that I I have talked to a beta tester of the product.