[comp.sys.apple] Apple IIe System - MAKE OFFER

pat@seradg.Dayton.NCR.COM (Patrick Pesch) (01/04/88)

	(Submitted for a friend... I will forward all inquiries and
	offers to him...)

	|**-FOR SALE-***-FOR SALE-***-FOR SALE-***-FOR SALE-**|

			$$$ MAKE OFFER $$$

	!							!
	! Apple IIe ProSystem microcomputer and peripherals:	!
	!							!
	! 1 Apple IIe ProSystem computer;			!
	! 	2 Flex disk ("Duo Disk") drives			!
	! 	Apple monitor					!
	! 	256K Memory					!
	! 	1 SuperSerial I/O Card 				!
	! 	1 Copy Flight Simulator				!
	!							!
	! 1 Imagewriter Printer and box of paper.		!
	!							!
	! The system has had minimal use, and is approximately	!
	! 3 years old.  Please respond via e-mail...		!
	!							!

			Patrick Pesch	(pat@seradg.Dayton.NCR.COM)
			NCR Corporation
			(513) 859-6378  after 5:30pm

marria@navajo.UUCP (Michael Marria) (01/05/88)

	I am looking to collect some PD software for a friend
who recently aquired an Apple II e.
	What I need to know is what the IIe is cross compatible
with in the Apple line. What sort of earmark do I need to recognize
the appropriate software?
	I see plenty of Apple and Mac software archives are
available, but obviously (I think) it won't all work.

	I would prefer responses directed to me at

					Thank you,

denbeste@bgsuvax.UUCP (William C. DenBesten) (01/06/88)

From article <2037@navajo.UUCP>, by marria@navajo.UUCP (Michael Marria):

> 	What I need to know is what the IIe is cross compatible
> with in the Apple line.

Apples are backward compatable within the Apple line.  Software for
the Mac will not run on the apple, nor will the mac run apple
software*.  In general, if a program claims to run on one of the
machines, it will run on one of the machines that are higher in the
list.  For example, your Apple IIe (with 128K or more of RAM) will run
any program that the II, II+, or the IIc will run.  It will not run
programs written for the IIgs, how

halp@TCGOULD.TN.CORNELL.EDU ("Bruce P. Halpern") (01/11/88)

One caveat: Some ][c programs will not execute on a ][e with a 6502.

****DISCLAMER: My comments, etc., are my own shakey opinions ********

  |  Bruce P. Halpern  Psychology & Neurobiology & Behavior Cornell Ithaca |
  |  ARPA: halp@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu                                     |
  |  BITNET: HALP@CRNLTHRY      D57J@CORNELLA      D57J@CRNLVAX5           |
  |  PHONE: 607-255-6433    Uris Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY 14853-7601   |