[comp.sys.apple] 2400 baud terminals

CS656@OUACCVMB.BITNET (01/23/88)

Kermit 380 can be set as high as 19,200.  The only time that I have used the
higher settings is when transfering by null modem cable between my //C and
an IBM XT. We used 9600 as that was as high as the IBM version of Kermit would
go. As to Y-Modem, the only time that I have seen that protocol was on a FIDO
board. I have no way of knowing whether it was a feature of all fido boards or
that particular one.
P.S. Before I am bombed by angry MS-DOS users I'll reword that. 9600 was the
highest that the particular version of kermit that that user had. I have no dou
bts that there may be faster versions.
Actually, this could also serve as an answer to Sasquatch's question about
transfering from a // to a Tandy. Use a null modem cable and Kermit on both
machines. This is not only efficient and easy but cheap.
Bob Church   CS656@OUACCVMB