CS656@OUACCVMB.BITNET (01/24/88)
I've put off writing this because I had hoped to find the article first. There was a very interesting article in a magazine about slots. I thought it was Open-Apple but I can't find it. The author had had a lot of trouble with using different cards, such as Transwarp, etc. at the same time. He tried putti ng some of the cards in in a different order and it solved the problem. Being a //C owner I didn't pay particularly close attention. I'll keep digging and post a summary if I find it. In the meantime it's something to try. RE FAX AND //E APPLE has a new modem which does 9600 baud and is supposed to allow FAX emulation. Of course they didn't bother to mention its use on anything but a MAC so I don't know if it would help the person trying to do FAX on his //E. If you're interested send me a note and I'll send specs. CS656@OUACCVMB