[comp.sys.apple] Apple pascal DOS conversion

paulb@ttidca.TTI.COM (Paul Blumstein) (01/29/88)

In article <4013@sigi.Colorado.EDU> shapiro@tramp.Colorado.EDU (SHAPIRO ANDREW T) writes:
>Can anybody tell me how to transfer prodos or dos 3.3 text files into apple
>pascal program files?

Later versions of Softerm II will do this.  The cost of $125 (list) may
not be worth it unless you do this regularly or need a good term
emulation package anyway.

Good luck in finding better (cheaper?) solutions.
Paul Blumstein;Citicorp/TTI| Everyone is a 10 in some base numbering system.
Santa Monica, CA           +-------------------------------------------------
{philabs,trwrb,csun,psivax}!ttidca!paulb  or  paulb@ttidca.TTI.COM
DISCLAIMER:  My company automatically disagrees with everything I say.

halp@TCGOULD.TN.CORNELL.EDU ("Bruce P. Halpern") (02/09/88)

1. Apple System Utilities will do it.

2. Universal File Conversion, published by Quality Software, converts 
between all the Apple file types. It's fast and efficient.

****DISCLAMER: My comments, etc., are my own shakey opinions ********

  |  Bruce P. Halpern  Psychology & Neurobiology & Behavior Cornell Ithaca |
  |  INTERNET:halp@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu                                  |
  |  BITNET: HALP@CRNLTHRY      D57J@CORNELLA      D57J@CRNLVAX5           |
  |  PHONE: 607-255-6433    Uris Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY 14853-7601   |