U267105@HNYKUN11.BITNET (Jos Grote Punt) (02/16/88)
Sometime ago I posted a request for info on Apple II disk formats. There were three people who answered it. But unfortunately I lost the addresses of them. They told me about a book with a title, something like "Beneath Apple DOS".I'm but a poor student, so this book is too expensive for me. The reason why I'm interested in reading Apple II disks on the Commodore 1541 disk drive is for CP/M. I own a CP/M module, and it works analogous to the CP/M Softcard (I think). The problem however is: how can I get CP/M software in 1541 format? (especially public domain files from sources like SIMTEL-20) My plan is as follows: - download files from VM/CMS (IBM mainframe) to an IBM PC - use Apple turnover-card in PC to convert to Apple Softcard CP/M format (I can give you some more info on this card if you want) - read Apple disks on 1541 and convert to C-64 CP/M format Could these people be so kind to mail me again? Please send any mail to me personally ( U267105 at HNYKUN11.BITNET) since I'm not a member of this list. Thanks in advance, J. Grote Punt Dept. of General Practice University of Nymegen The Netherlands Acknowledge-To: <U267105@HNYKUN11>