[comp.sys.apple] drive adapters

jordan%lvvb.span@SDS.SDSC.EDU (RICH) (02/17/88)

> In article <8802160855.aa16647@SMOKE.BRL.ARPA> STEIN@UCONNVM.BITNET writes:
> >
> >  Several companies make adaptors which can be used to connect old Disk II
> >type drives to the IIC, IIGS and IIE w/newer controller where drives are
> >daisy chained.
> >
> But do any connect TWO Disk II's to a GS?  That would be nice...
> If anyone has any information about one of THOSE, please post it
> or email me... save me the trouble of getting two unidisk 5.25's...
>   Donald Tsang
>   tsang@cory.Berkeley.EDU    ||    ...!ucbvax!cory!tsang

I know there's a commercial source for these, but I can't recall it right
now. There was a build-it-yourself article in Computer Shopper's "Ask the 
Guru" section by Don Lancaster. I believe it was in the Aug - Sept - Oct
1987 frame, with a correction that followed the main article either a month
or two later.

Sorry to be so ambiguous, but I don't have the mags here, and I use a stan-
dard Disk ][ controller to run my old dusty disks. It doesn't seem like to
long ago that the article ran.


Richard Jordan
SAIC Las Vegas

scott@geowhiz.UUCP (Scott Kempf) (02/18/88)

In article <880216235637.22a000b7@Sds.Sdsc.Edu> jordan%lvvb.span@SDS.SDSC.EDU (RICH) writes:
>> In article <8802160855.aa16647@SMOKE.BRL.ARPA> STEIN@UCONNVM.BITNET writes:
>> >
>> >  Several companies make adaptors which can be used to connect old Disk II
>> >type drives to the IIC, IIGS and IIE w/newer controller where drives are
>> >daisy chained.
>> >
>> But do any connect TWO Disk II's to a GS?  That would be nice...
>> If anyone has any information about one of THOSE, please post it
>> or email me... save me the trouble of getting two unidisk 5.25's...
>>   Donald Tsang
>>   tsang@cory.Berkeley.EDU    ||    ...!ucbvax!cory!tsang
>I know there's a commercial source for these, but I can't recall it right
>now. There was a build-it-yourself article in Computer Shopper's "Ask the 
>Guru" section by Don Lancaster. I believe it was in the Aug - Sept - Oct
>1987 frame, with a correction that followed the main article either a month
>or two later.
>It doesn't seem like to long ago that the article ran.
>							Rich
>Richard Jordan
>SAIC Las Vegas

Could someone how has back issues of Computer Shopper please post.


Scott Kempf                          Blue itself teaches us blue.  -Bill Ranson
MAIL:   1302 Rutledge St., Madison, WI  53703    PHONE:  (608) 255-6205  (home)
UUCP:   {seismo, topaz, harvard, ihnp4}!uwvax!geowhiz!scott
ARPA:   geowhiz!scott@spool.wisc.edu             PHONE:  (608) 262-6154  (work)
BITNET: scott%geowhiz.uucp%spool.wisc.edu@wiscvm.bitnet

jib@prism.UUCP (02/18/88)

An adapter for 2 disk IIs to GS was marketed by a company called Computers
Plus in Arizona for about $39.95.  Look for their ad in InCider or A+
(small display ad  check index).

A friend got it and it works for him.  (I called for a single drive adapter
and they were not helpful, but I got one elsewhere).

Jim Block  {cca, ihnp4!inmet, mit-eddie, wjh12, datacube} !mirror!prism!jib

Matthew Bender Inc, 11 Penn Plaza, NY, NY 10001 (212) 216-8018