I have a problem with my ProGrappler. Since I don't have an ImageWriter, I figured that having a parallel printer card from the manufacturer of the legendary Grappler + would be a good deal for printing out IIgs super hires. After CDA Computer Sales finally found one for me six weeks later, I discovered that (1) the grounding screw could not possible attach to my gs (2) the cable didn't want to play house with the card connector and (3) the card freezes up when trying to print Super Hires graphics. I have not received any word from Orange Micro about any possible problems. The ROM is revision 2.0. Is there a higher, debugged ROM that is availiable? Dave Seah BITNET: DSEAH@WPI.BITNET INTERNET: DSEAH%WPI.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU