[comp.sys.apple] A VERY slow Mandelbrot generator

LMB7421@RITVAX.BITNET (03/17/88)

Below is a BASIC program which will compute at least some of the
Mandelbrot Set.  It requires an Ampersand utility from Nibble
which plots on the Super-Res screen.  If you have a similar utility,
modify lines 25 and 110 according to your specific utility.
PN is Rmin
PX is Rmax
QN is Imin
QX is Imax
M is the Mandelbrot limit (set this higher for high magnification if
CS is the maximum number of colors - 1
MC is the maximum simulated number of non - 0 colors.  If MC is
     greater than CS, the non-0 colors are repeated as K MOD CS + 1
K  is the current simulated color.  If K = MC, then the point is
     considered to be a member of the set, and is assigned color 0
You can set the palette as you choose, using the palette changer in
the ampersand utility.  I used a scheme where color 0 = black, and
colors 1 - 15 had blue = 10, and red and green = ColorNumber, which
gives a range from dark blue through yellow.

Once the picture is done (this will take at least 14 hours, unless
you've chosen a range that's very large or far away from the set),
you can save the picture by typing the following (type carefully, as
you won't have a visible command line until after the C029:41)

CALL - 151
CREATE file.nam , T$C1
BSAVE file.nam , A$1000, E$8FFF, T$C1

This program works under ProDOS
Standard values for the set are Rmin (Pmin) = -2.25
                                Rmax (Pmax) = 0.75
                                Imin (Qmin) = -1.5
                                Imax (Qmax) = 1.5
Choose other values from the boundary region of the set (try to read them
from the screen, get them from the Peitgen book, or send me e-mail)

I will be the first to admit the lack of speed in this program, but it DOES
work.  Go on vacation while it's working, turn off the monitor and play
a ten-round monopoly tournament, but don't stand and watch it, it's like
watching grass grow.  There is a TMLPascal version in the works, but I
can't seem to get the thing to write a file correctly, so it currently
runs and gets the reset button treatment to save.

This is a cheap and dirty program .  Distribute freely.
0  REM Freeware program  see line 10000 for more info
10 INPUT "Input Pmin, Pmax, Qmin, Qmax: ";PN,PX,QN,QX
20 M = 100
22 MC = 225
23 CS = 15
25 & HGR
30 DP = (PX - PN) / 319 : DQ = (QX - QN) / 199
40 FOR Y = 0 TO 199: FOR X = 0 TO 319
50 P = PN + X * DP : Q = QN + Y * DQ: K = 0 : X0 = 0 : Y0 = 0
60 XK = X0 * X0 - Y0 * Y0 + P : YK = 2 * X0 * Y0 + Q
70 K = K + 1: X0 = XK : Y0 = YK : R = X0 * X0 + Y0 * Y0
80 IF R > M THEN CL = K - INT(K / CS) * CS + 1 : GOTO 110
90 IF K = MC THEN CL = 0 : GOTO 110
100 GOTO 60
110 & HCOLOR= CL : & HPLOT X , Y : NEXT X : NEXT Y
10000 REM _______________________________________________
10010 REM |                                             |
10020 REM |         Mandelbrot Set grapher              |
10030 REM |                  by                         |
10040 REM |              Les Barstow                    |
10050 REM |          LMB7421@RITVAX.BITNET              |
10060 REM |    rutgers!rochester!ritcv!ultb!lmb7421     |
10070 REM |    292 Kimball Dr.  Rochester, NY 14623     |
10080 REM |                                             |
10090 REM +---------------------------------------------+
10100 REM ***Freeware.  Distribute, don't sell.