[comp.sys.apple] FROM PONG TO THE TRASH CAN

CS656@OUACCVMB.BITNET (04/04/88)

I'm not sure how I feel about Apples suit but as to their chances of winning
it, I wouldn't count them out completely. If they get the same judge who
awarded the author of PONG royalties from *ANY* game that used a bouncing
ball and paddles anything can happen. Actually, the best thing that Microsoft,
HP and Apple could do is agree to a lawsuit like this.  Microsoft and HP
could deliberately lose, giving Apple legal prcedent in it's claims. In  a
spirit of forgiveness Apple could then give them both very cheap liscences
to use this 'look and feel' but then decide not to liscence it to the makers
of the new Clones that are coming. MICROSOFT and HP could then cry all the
way to the bank about their 'loss'.