[comp.sys.apple] Flames


If nobody minds greatly,  I am starting to collect all kinds of gripes,
complaints, etc about the lousy support that Apple has shown for the //GS.
Complain about its piddling speed!  Gnash yon tooth oer Apple Policy!
Mention the thousands who have jumped Apple ship for Commodore country!
Perhaps WHY you may have.  Threaten!  Mentions your years of loyal
Apple ownership, only to have this thrown back in out faces and have
an Apple that's overpriced and underpowered in face of encroaching
competitors!   These gripes will be not unheard!  I am hoping to
(eventually, though soon) compile a "report" and send it to Apple
sometime with all kinds of local signatures, excerpts, etc, with
magazine article sources, info-apple mail.

Send these gripes to ME! ME! ME!  Not Info-Apple!

We were thinking, though not seriously, about sending out a Pro-Apple
chain letter.  I guess it is illegal now.  It would have gone
something like, "Hi!  We are the coalition of Apple ripoff-ees!
Please make 3 copies of this letter!  Send two of them to fellow
Apple owners and send one to Apple Computer, Inc.  By presenting
a united front, Apple high management will fall!  If you help us,
untold blessings will fall upon your head!  Do not break the chain!
In 1986, an Apple owner helped the Cause and had $10,000 refunded to
him by the IRS!  In 1987, an Apple owner is Perrineville, New Jersey
send FIVE letters out and in reward got a new girlfriend (better looking,
too) and was elected Choir Leader at the First Presbyterian Church of
Monmouth County.  Later, an Amiga owner skoffed at the chain and
the next day, Commodore announced the A2000, thus making his machine
obsolete.  Sadly, an Apple owner broke the chain with muttered epitaths
and had his home invaded by giant water roaches (3 inches long!) that
very evening."

as an aside, does anyone know "Donald Dimitrios", former Apple owner
in Taipei, Taiwan?  He is on the short side, likes to hunch his shoulders
up, has brown hair, and has a brother named Peter.  He used to wear
t-shirts and jeans all the time.

|              Dave Seah --- Worcester Polytechnic Institute               |
| Bitnet:   DSeah@WPI.Bitnet                    |  We can't receive files! |
| Internet: DSeah%WPI.Bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU    |  EMAIL only!             |