[comp.sys.apple] Kermit Question and Re: DOS3.3 Vs. ProDOS

LMB7421@RITVAX.BITNET (04/18/88)

I've been using Kermit 3.82 now for about 1 hour, and have noticed some

1) the common VT-100 emulator bug of the 80th column (is occurring - it wasn't
   before - 3.81 seemed to do it on input & output, 3.82 only on output - I'm
   using EVE, and all my lines longer than 80 columns have an extra <CR> after
   them, although when I am typing the text doesn't wrap to the next line
except on the line directly above the window bottom)
2) Kermit 3.80 had a character substitution which was a RUB (checked cursor),
   which was wonderful as a wall on Larn (System V UNIX Larn)...now, when I
   play, I get nothing...no RUB, no funky character, nothing...this makes it
   hard to navigate the mazes, etc...please add this back in...:-)

On other Kermit questions...
   Could someone tell me a possible reason why C-Kermit on a AT&T 3b1 (sysV)
could not open a file while in server mode to Kermit-65?  I would put it in
Server mode, and SENDa file to it (this also applies to typing receive and
jumping back to the Apple and typing SEND file.)  I got a REMOTE MESSAGE:
Could Not Open File message on the screen...

Re:  What I like about DOS 3.3 and ProDOS...

Likes:  DOS 3.3 - MONICO (I like to be able to monitor my EXEC files, etc...)
                  filenames - I HATE 15 character limits and restricted chars
                  simplicity - could be understood in a few days, and worked on
                  size - DOS 3.3 fits in ANYTHING...
        ProDOS  - Universal accessability of ANY filetype
                  Hirarchical file system
                  Complete catalog info
Dislikes:DOS 3.3- speed (fixed by any number of take-offs)
                  Disk size limit
                  set filetype (only if you couldn't edit a sector)
                  unavailability of file info other than size
         ProDOS - speed (not yet fixed)
                  complexity (have to load this, that, and the other thing to
                    work with it, and can't find manuals to understand it all)
                  tendency to crash easily - ProDOS seems to wimp out quickly
                  Filename limitations
                  size - ProDOS with BASIC.SYSTEM installed is FAR too large for
                         my tastes

ProDOS 16 shows some promise, but only if they get it on the market soon...

Les Barstow
(please do NOT send to my previously posted address of
as the site has a name conflict and will be renamed soon)