LMB7421@RITVAX.BITNET (04/18/88)
I've been using Kermit 3.82 now for about 1 hour, and have noticed some problems.... 1) the common VT-100 emulator bug of the 80th column (is occurring - it wasn't before - 3.81 seemed to do it on input & output, 3.82 only on output - I'm using EVE, and all my lines longer than 80 columns have an extra <CR> after them, although when I am typing the text doesn't wrap to the next line except on the line directly above the window bottom) 2) Kermit 3.80 had a character substitution which was a RUB (checked cursor), which was wonderful as a wall on Larn (System V UNIX Larn)...now, when I play, I get nothing...no RUB, no funky character, nothing...this makes it hard to navigate the mazes, etc...please add this back in...:-) On other Kermit questions... Could someone tell me a possible reason why C-Kermit on a AT&T 3b1 (sysV) could not open a file while in server mode to Kermit-65? I would put it in Server mode, and SENDa file to it (this also applies to typing receive and jumping back to the Apple and typing SEND file.) I got a REMOTE MESSAGE: Could Not Open File message on the screen... Re: What I like about DOS 3.3 and ProDOS... Likes: DOS 3.3 - MONICO (I like to be able to monitor my EXEC files, etc...) filenames - I HATE 15 character limits and restricted chars simplicity - could be understood in a few days, and worked on size - DOS 3.3 fits in ANYTHING... ProDOS - Universal accessability of ANY filetype Hirarchical file system Complete catalog info Dislikes:DOS 3.3- speed (fixed by any number of take-offs) Disk size limit set filetype (only if you couldn't edit a sector) unavailability of file info other than size ProDOS - speed (not yet fixed) complexity (have to load this, that, and the other thing to work with it, and can't find manuals to understand it all) tendency to crash easily - ProDOS seems to wimp out quickly Filename limitations size - ProDOS with BASIC.SYSTEM installed is FAR too large for my tastes ProDOS 16 shows some promise, but only if they get it on the market soon... Phoenix Les Barstow LMB7421@RITVAX.BITNET ..rutgers!rochester!ritcv!ultb!lmb7421.UUCP (please do NOT send to my previously posted address of ..rutgers!rochester!kodak!gizzmo!lazlo!loki!phoenix.UUCP, as the site has a name conflict and will be renamed soon)