[comp.sys.apple] CDA computer sales, misc stuff

SELLSWORTH@HMCVAX.BITNET ("Scott, part time fuzzy") (04/21/88)

  Hello all.  I would like a bit of net.advice.

  I am looking at a CMS 60 meg HD.  I can get the critter for about a thousand
from CDA computer sales.  The price seems acceptable, since it will probably
drop some by the time I actually get around to ordering.  The problem?  Has
anyone ever heard of these people?  Has anyone ever actually ordered something
from them?  Any comments, hints, warnings, etc?

  Comment two:I have looked at both ECP and Davex as posted to apple2-l a while
back.  On the surface, it seems like ECP has a bit more documentation and
expandability, but I have not really given either a real workout.  Is there any
way to kill the keyclick on ecp?  It is annoying in the first degree.  I might
get to like it if that was absent.

  Thank you for your time on the questions.  What follows is a semireview and
flame of TML systems w/r TML pascal standalone.  Those who do not wish to see
it, hit n now.

  Comment three and major flame.  Has anyone had any success dealing with TML
systems?  Thier technical support line is wonderful, but thier sales department
is one of the worst I have ever encountered.  To date, they have not been even
close to correct on a single delivery time that they have told me.  The
advertisement in A+ suggested calling immediately.  Being a happy developer
hoepful, I ordered thier stand alone pascal on the first of June.  They assured
me that it would ship ``In two weeks.''  I admit, I was niave, but I really did
expect it before mid august.  Silly me.

  The update they mentioned at Christmas showed up in a glizty format long
about february.  They had a NEW version that would ship MARCH 28.  They will
hopefully ship it on APRIL 28.  Seems to me that someone is a tad confused.

  They forgot to mention that the only lisence that you have to use the TML
speech routines is in your own personal work.  I find this tacky, and I really
wish that they had mentioned that I would have to lisense the routines from the
people who created them, or ask any users to do so.  Admittedly, they would
have lost a sale, but I find it just a bit unprofessional when stacked up with
the other things they have done.

  The compiler has great potential.  Aside from a few printing errors, the
documentation is decent.  NOT great, but decent.  If they add in the debugging
features that are really needed, such as on disk compiling and in memory
interpreting with trace, variable list, and step functions, then it will be a
veruy nice setup.  The compiler is fast.  The code it produces is somewhat
slower than Orca's, but I hear that is changing.  We shall see.

  In summary, I would like to know anyone elses opinions of them, especially
w/r to TML basic and the APW versions of anything.  I would like to know if I
should quit on these folks, and try to find a good compiler for my gs, or if
what has happened is a mere fluke.

   See y'all around.
