[comp.sys.apple] //gs Printing

CS656@OUACCVMB.BITNET (04/23/88)

I received a call from a lady who is having trouble with her GS. She can
run her old // stuff but not print it. She can't print Newsroom, Garfield,
etc. She has Multiscribe for the eight bit and the 16 bit apple. The //GS
version prints but the other doesn't.
She' using an Imagewriter //.   Any suggestions?

jetzer@studsys.mu.edu (jetzer) (04/24/88)

In article <8804222330.aa14616@SMOKE.BRL.ARPA>, CS656@OUACCVMB.BITNET writes:
> I received a call from a lady who is having trouble with her GS. She can
> run her old // stuff but not print it. She can't print Newsroom, Garfield,
> etc. She has Multiscribe for the eight bit and the 16 bit apple. The //GS
> version prints but the other doesn't.
> She' using an Imagewriter //.   Any suggestions?

Tell her to get a Super Serial Card.  (only 1/2 :-)

Many programs, especially graphics programs, call the specific hardware
directly, rather than using the 'official' firmware calls (which are usually
too slow).  This causes compatibility problems.

Apple did the same thing when they wrote their modem program (Access).  It
uses the SSC chip for doing things instead of firmware calls, and crashes
when it finds a GS serial port.

As for suggestions, try configuring for a //c port (maybe it'll work, who
knows), or else try something like 'generic serial card.'  If this fails,
contact the publisher.
Mike Jetzer
"Hack first, ask questions later."

delaney%wnre.aecl.CDN@ean.ubc.ca (Grant Delaney) (04/27/88)

A number of programs that were written for the // series computers access
the Super Serial Card firmware directly.  As the GS uses a different Serial
Driver (same as Mac) the software will not print.  This was also a common
problem with some older communications software.

There are 2 solution:

1.  As a registered owner of the software contact the Styleware or The people
who wrote News Room and request an upgrade both have such available

2 use a Super serial card to in slot 1 for the printer