unknown@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (The Unknown User) (05/04/88)
When I boot up this one program of mine (Sea Strike), all it does is boot ProDOS 16 then gives me an Error #27. I've freed up all of my memory, so that's not the problem (that's not the error it gives you when it doesn't have enough memory anyways!). I have 768K too, if that makes any difference. I also have the new ROMs. I thought asking the people on the net might get me a quick answer to my problem. If not, I'll have to work more to find out what it is. Also, could someone post a LIST of what all of the ProDOS 16 (or GS errors is more correct, I believe) are? The ones that bring up the box that asks you for a pathname, reboot the system, or executing the START program. I have a list of the ProDOS 8 error codes in case anyone wants it. Thanks for the help..(in advance) laba-4an@widow.berkeley.edu: I have been getting mail from you in the last few days but you apparently are not receiving it and the mailer isn't bouncing it back to me. Something's screwed up obviously. -tuu