[comp.sys.apple] Listserv

JDA@NIHCU.BITNET (Doug Ashbrook) (05/09/88)

> >Has anyone been able to get files from the Listserv@brownvm???
> >I have not been able to get anything including a notebook.
> >
>   For the last month or so I have had no luck with getting any files.
> If anybody else CAN still get them, please say something, and, if
> possible, explain why selected people can't.

I just requested and received the APPLE2-L index from BROWNVM.

J. Douglas Ashbrook                                  (301) 496-5181
BITNET: JDA@NIHCU            ARPA: jda%nihcu.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu
National Institutes of Health, Computer Center,  Bethesda, MD 20892