mdavis@pro-sol.cts.COM (Morgan Davis) (07/24/88)
Okay, I've written a vaccine for this virus (which I'm calling WOPFOG, because that's what the screen says: WOP = Worshippers of Patrick, FOG = Friends of Glen Bredon). No where in it does it say "CyberAIDS" -- so I don't know where that name came from. This BASIC program will detect the virus in all SYS files in your root directory (or just one file you select). It will also, on your command, strip the infection out of a sick file and will restore the file to its original contents. In addition, it will fix byte $1FF in Block #2 of your root volume. The virus uses this byte as a counter to determine when the henchman cometh to lop off the vital part of your volume directory: Blocks #2 through #5 !! ----------------------------( cut here )----------------------------------- 100 REM *********************************** 110 REM * * 120 REM * [WOP] "Festering Hate" [FOG] * 130 REM * Vaccination Utility * 140 REM * by Morgan Davis * 150 REM * * 160 REM * This will detect and remove the * 170 REM * virus from SYS files. It will * 180 REM * also fix byte $1FF of Block 2. * 190 REM * * 200 REM *********************************** 210 : 220 DIM F$(52):D$ = CHR$ (4):BUF = 768:ADR = 8192 230 HOME 240 PRINT "*** NOTE ***": PRINT 250 PRINT "This program will detect and disinfect" 260 PRINT "only a certain strain of virus. If it" 270 PRINT "doesn't detect a virus, it does not" 280 PRINT "mean that one does not exist in a file!" 290 PRINT 300 PRINT "Check a (F)ile or (V)olume: ";: GOSUB 750 310 FIL = A$ = "F":VOL = A$ = "V" 320 IF NOT (FIL OR VOL) THEN PRINT : END 330 PRINT : INPUT "Pathname: ";P$:F$(1) = P$:F = 1 340 IF P$ = "" THEN END 350 PRINT D$"VERIFY"P$: PRINT 360 IF FIL THEN 450 370 PRINT D$"OPEN"P$",TDIR": PRINT D$"READ"P$ 380 INPUT A$: INPUT A$: INPUT A$:F = 0 390 INPUT A$: IF A$ = "" THEN 420 400 IF MID$ (A$,18,3) = "SYS" THEN F = F + 1:F$(F) = MID$ (A$,2,15) 410 GOTO 390 420 PRINT D$"CLOSE" 430 IF NOT F THEN PRINT "Volume "P$" contains no SYS files.": END 440 : 450 FOR I = 1 TO F 460 PRINT "Checking "F$(I)"..."; 470 PRINT D$"BLOAD"F$(I)",TSYS,A"BUF",L3" 480 IF PEEK (BUF) < > 76 THEN 640 490 OFF = ( PEEK (BUF + 1) + PEEK (BUF + 2) * 256) - ADR - 6 500 X = BUF + 6 510 PRINT D$"BLOAD"F$(I)",TSYS,A"BUF",L114,b"OFF 520 IF PEEK (X + 107) < > 199 THEN 640 530 RESTORE 540 READ N: IF N = PEEK (X) THEN X = X + 1: GOTO 540 550 ON N > = 0 GOTO 640 560 CALL - 198: PRINT "INFECTED! Kill the virus? ";: GOSUB 750 570 IF A$ < > "Y" THEN 650 580 PRINT "Working hard..."; 590 PRINT D$"BLOAD"F$(I)",TSYS,A"ADR 600 FOR X = 0 TO 5: POKE ADR + X, PEEK (BUF + X): NEXT 610 PRINT D$"DELETE"F$(I): PRINT D$"CREATE"F$(I)",TSYS" 620 PRINT D$"BSAVE"F$(I)",TSYS,A"ADR",L"OFF 630 PRINT F$(I)" cured!": GOTO 650 640 PRINT "not infected." 650 NEXT 660 : 670 OP = 128: GOSUB 790: REM READ_BLOCK 680 I = PEEK (ADR + 511): IF NOT I THEN END 690 PRINT : PRINT P$" has a fuse! (counter = "I"/30)" 700 PRINT "Extinguish it? ";: GOSUB 750 710 IF A$ < > "Y" THEN END 720 POKE ADR + 511,0:OP = 129: GOSUB 790: REM WRITE_BLOCK 730 PRINT "Done.": END 740 : 750 GET A$: IF A$ = CHR$ (27) THEN END 760 IF A$ > "_" THEN A$ = CHR$ ( ASC (A$) - 32) 770 PRINT A$: RETURN 780 : 790 POKE 768,32: POKE 769,0: POKE 770,191: REM JSR $BF00 800 POKE 771,OP: POKE 772,9: POKE 773,3: REM DB OP / DW $0309 810 POKE 774,133: POKE 775,0: POKE 776,96: REM STA $00 / RTS 820 POKE 777,3: POKE 778, PEEK (48944) 830 POKE 779,ADR - INT (ADR / 256) * 256: POKE 780, INT (ADR / 256) 840 POKE 781,2: POKE 782,0 850 CALL 768:I = PEEK (0): IF I THEN PRINT "MLI Err #"I" OP="OP: END 860 RETURN 870 : 880 DATA 32,88,255,186,189,0,1,141,1,3,202,189,0,1,141,0,3,238,0,3,-1 ----------------------------( cut here )----------------------------------- --Morgan Davis UUCP: crash!pnet01!pro-sol!mdavis ProLine: mdavis@pro-sol ARPANet: crash!pnet01!pro-sol! InterNet: