jab@uokvax.UUCP (07/07/84)
#N:uokvax:3900046:000:1039 uokvax!jab Jul 6 22:19:00 1984 I just saw "The Last Starfighter". Imagine Luke Skywalker playing the "Star Wars" video game on his home planet before he meets Artoo and Threepio. They tell him that the video game identifies him as a candidate to destroy the Death Star, and he becomes a fighter pilot who goes to do exactly that. His mentor is killed along the way, sort of, and... That's "The Last Starfighter" --- certainly a "haven't I seen this plot before" movie. I recommend seeing it at the $1.75 matinee. One thing that everyone was talking about was the Cray graphics in this movie. I admit, they were very, very good, but could have taken lessons from ILM on making the spaceships look old and worn-down. I think that everything was too shiny, although the planet sequences were better than ST: TWoK, which [in my humble opinion] implies that it was pretty good. Did I see a Lucasfilm explosion in there a couple of times? I distinctly remember the ships exploding being QUITE similar to the projects that Lucasfilm has worked on. Jeff Bowles Lisle, IL