[comp.sys.apple] BBS list wanted for Berkeley/Oakland/SF

mkao@crash.cts.com (Mike Kao) (08/17/88)

Hi, I'm a poor student moving up to Berkeley for college. I'd like BBS lists
for both Mac and Apple II boards in the Berkeley/Oakland/SF area. I believe
the area code is 415.

Since I'll be moving in a couple of days, you could really earn my unending
gratitude by sparing 22 cents and sending these lists to:

	Mike Kao
	2605 Haste St., Apt. 203
	Berkeley, CA 94704

Thank you VERY much!


To insure my reception of any replies, please respond via e-mail. Thanks!

                                                                  -- Mike Kao

UUCP: {cbosgd, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!pnet01!mkao
ARPA: crash!pnet01!mkao@nosc.mil
INET: mkao@pnet01.CTS.COM