AWCTTYPA@UIAMVS.BITNET ("David A. Lyons") (09/10/88)
>Date: Tue, 6 Sep 88 03:15:34 GMT >From: Heiko Blume <mcvax!unido!tub!tmpmbx!netmbx!blume@UUNET.UU.NET> >here are some very annoying facts: >- Glen Bredon[']s compressor (included with instant pascal) works only > on volumes <= 10MB - i was shocked ! It sounds like you're talking about BEACH.COMBER, which is part of Glen's ProSel package. (I know nothing about Instant Pascal...if BEACH.COMBER is distributed with that, it's news to me.) There *is* a version of BEACH.COMBER that works with bigger volumes, but it requires some extra RAM--I don't remember how much. If you own ProSel, contact Glen Bredon for the latest update (although the bigger version of BEACH.COMBER is *not* particularly new...maybe a year old or so?). >- basic.system > why the hell does DEL not work ? > 'cd' or 'pre' instead of prefix If you want to delete a file, it's DELETE rather than DEL. Or maybe you're talking about the Delete key. It doesn't work because BASIC.SYSTEM uses the ROM's GETLN routine, and the ROM on the //e doesn't take the trouble to treat Delete like Left-arrow. (Solution: Get a IIgs! :-) If you want *convenient* commands ("cd" instead of "prefix", or even simpler than that: just type a directory name with no command) then you want something like Davex, in my somewhat-biased opinion (Shareware by guess-who). BASIC.SYSTEM was designed to let Applesoft programs written under DOS 3.3 to run with very little modification under ProDOS--it wasn't intended to be a nifty command shell! >Heiko Blume # DOMAIN: blume@netmbx.UUCP { BITNET: ( mixed } >Seekorso 29 # BANG : ..!{backbone}!netmbx!blume >D-1000 Berlin 22, West-Germany # Phone : (+49 30) 365 55 71 or ... 365 75 01 >Telex : 183008 intro d # Fax : (+49 30) 882 50 65 --David A. Lyons bitnet: awcttypa@uiamvs DAL Systems CompuServe: 72177,3233 P.O. Box 287 GEnie mail: D.LYONS2 North Liberty, IA 52317 AppleLinkPE: Dave Lyons