[comp.sys.apple] problems with apple //


Actually, folks, as much of the problem with the GS is the lack of really
high powered software.  Sure, the GS can't run as fast as a 10Mhz IBM clone,
but look at all that got squeezed out (and is still getting squeezed out) of
the ][+ and //e.  Yeah, I'd like to see my GS running at 10Mhz, but in a
few months I'll buy a Transwarp GS and that'll be a big improvement.  After all,
that is what slots are for.

I agree that Apple has neglected the // line badly in the past, but they seem
to have, in large degree, realized that was a mistake and seem to be trying
to correct it.

What we really need is better software.  How many of you have seen
WordPerfect 5.0 for the IBMs?   Now that is the kind of thing I'd like to
see done for my GS.  Might not be quite as quick about doing things, but
it would still get them done, and I'll bet it'd do them in tolerable
amounts of time.

So, if you're going to complain, at least direct a few of your complaints
to software developers telling them what you want too.  Apple can't do
everything and shouldn't be expected to.

Kevin Lepard