[comp.sys.apple] Kermit & "PC Transporter"


This is probably of interest to < 1% of those receiving it, but here
goes anyway.  I recently acquired a board called a PC Transporter
(manufacturer, Applied Engineering) which turns an Apple IIGS (and
others of the II series; I have the GS) into an IBM PC clone (it uses a
V-30 chip and runs about three times as fast as an XT).  The main point
is that it comes with software that uses the available Apple peripherals
to emulate IBM peripherals.  ANYWAY, the emulation of the IBM serial
channels (COM1 etc.)  is just enough slow that the released version of
the system can't quite handle 2400 baud under either kermit 2.31 or
2.29.  I talked to Applied Engineering, who is aware of the problem, and
received from them a beta version of new software that is a little bit
faster.  But not quite enough:  kermit 2.31 still loses characters too
often to be useful; 2.29 however has enough shorter paths that it seems
OK, although not perfect.  (this is under VT102 emulation; doesn't seem
to matter much if one steps down to the dumber terminal types; file
transfer however under any configuration I've tried has absolutely no
problems:  tens of kilobytes without a single error (we have high
quality local loop lines here.))