[comp.sys.apple] GS/OS or G- S.O.S.

c60c-3aw@e260-3e.berkeley.edu (Andy McFadden) (09/30/88)

Got a copy of GS/OS yesterday.  I have a single CPS 3.5 drive, so I booted up
GS/OS, switched disks, and tried to run SHRConvert.  Everything went well

"Please insert disk '/System.Disk/'"

Probably needed to load some tools.  I inserted the disk, pressed return.

"Please insert disk '/System.Disk/'"

Press return a few more times.  Same thing.  Tried inserting my vers 3.2 disk
with the same name.  No difference.  GS/OS simply would NOT recognize its
own boot disk.

Fine.  Exit, return to Finder.

"Please insert disk '/System.Disk/'"

No luck.  Great.  Reboot computer, wait 2 mins, try running the Advanced
File Utility (or whatever it's called).  Guess what?

"Please insert..." <reset>

Has anybody else been having these problems?

fadden@zen.berkeley.edu [crashed]
c60c-3aw@widow.berkeley.edu (Andy McFadden)