tucker@unocss.UUCP (Gregory A. Tucker) (10/06/88)
The following is a list of various public domain sites and other things that I have collected. Since I am an Apple owner, and I see a lot of questions about where someone can get a certain program, or how to do something on the network, etc, I thought this might be of interest to some of you. This list is not intended to be complete, by any means, but only a memory refresher for some things that I have used at one time of another. Please review it for accuracy. Another note, the subscription list for Apple2l is not included. I am subscribed to Apple2l, but I forgot to write down the procedure before I accidentally killed the help file. Could someone tell me how to un/subscribe, and the address via either Internet or Bitnet. Thanks. Internet Sites and FTP Archives: ------------------------------- 1. husc6.harvard.edu: Arhives posts to comp.binaries.apple2. Must cd to apple2. Login: anonymous pswd : anonymous 2. cu20b, cu20b.columbia.edu, cu20b.cc.columbia.edu, or Archives Kermit files for various machines on logical device KER:. Login: anonymous pswd: [any] 3. rick@uunet.uu.net: Rick Adams provides game archive access. Files are in a directory called comp.sources.games within a subdirectory called VolumeX. Login: anonymous pswd: [any] 4. j.cc.purdue.edu, or purdue-asc.arpa: Provides compressed archives via ftp. A compressor/decompressor can be found in ~ftp/pub/compress.shar . Login: anonymous pswd: [any] 5. info-apple@brl.mil: Internet address for the Arpa Info-Apple mailing list. To un/subscribe a simple request as mail to info-apple-request@brl.mil. Info-apple archives are maintained at simtel20.arpa in files pd2:<archives.apple>apple.archive.NUM where NUM= .31011, .40509, .40727, .40930, .41019, .50417, .60110, .60807, .61017, and .61109, and the latest archives are stored in pd2:<archives.apple>apple-archiv.txt. (The old name is info-apple@brl.arpa. It may still be this in the host table. Try both.) Login: anonymous pswd: [any] 6. cunixc.cc.columbia.edu, or This Vax 8700 (Ultrix) is the new home of the former cu20b.columbia.edu kermit archiver. Files are still available via anonymous FTP in directories kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, and kermit/e. First CWD (or CD) to kermit and get file "read.me". Then CWD (or CD) to a, b, c, d, e and GET files. Arpa-Net lists (info-kermit and info-kermit-request) are now available at this new address. CU20B will still be available for a transition period. Bitnet file servers or special hosts: ------------------------------------ 1. kermsrv@cuvma: Bitnet file server for cu20b.columbia.edu. To get started send kermsrv@cuvma the command "help". Fore more detailed instructions read the file "ker:aanetw.hlp". Also available are tape utility programs on Tape E. See file "ker:tuaaaa.hlp" more more instructions. 2. macserve@pucc: Macintosh software repository. Send "dir" for a list of files. 3. relay@ndsuvm1: North Dakota Higher Education Computer Network provides users with an interactive, real-time conference system. Send command "/help" to receive a list of commands, "/servers" to show you the relay node in your service area, or "/signup" to join the conference. A userguide will follow your first signup. In addition, you can send the command "/servers" to relay@bitnic. 4. kermsrv@uoft02: Files can be obtained via University of Toledo's kermit file server. For more information send command "help". (BTW, message.c and reply.c were obtained here.) 5. listserv@ndsuvm1: This is the bitnet/earn/netnorth redistribution center for arpa-lists (info-apple). To subscribe to info-apple send sub command along with your name. For example: send listserv@ndsuvm1 sub info-app Gregory Tucker send listserv@ndsuvm1 signoff info-app However, contributions should be made to the arpanet address. ------------------------------+------------------------------------------- Gregory A. Tucker- Sophmore | Internet: tucker%zeus.dnet@fergvax.unl.edu Electrical Engineering | Bitnet: TUCKER@UNOMA1 Univ. of Nebraska at Lincoln | UUCP: uunet!btni!unocss!tucker -- ------------------------------+------------------------------------------- Gregory A. Tucker- Sophmore | Internet: tucker%zeus.dnet@fergvax.unl.edu Electrical Engineering | Bitnet: TUCKER@UNOMA1 Univ. of Nebraska at Lincoln | UUCP: uunet!btni!unocss!tucker