unknown@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (The Unknown User) (10/26/88)
There have been people talking a lot about AppleLink and mice lately. Someone said they thought the use of a mouse on AppleLink was a disadvantage... This is unrelated partially, I just thought that I'd not be surprised if a future revision of ProTERM didn't include some sort of mouse support...I don't mean offline, I mean online.. It already does the mousetext and other things ["Copy II Plus bars" are done, which is really neat, even though it's kinda slow], so mouse support doesn't seem improbable. I used AppleLink at AppleFest and actually wasn't as impressed as I was about hearing about it before I actually saw it...But I got it for free so I'll use it and probably become an occassional user. -- The Unknown User. For a good BBS that uses ProTERM Special emulation, call (408) 253 8494... Dragon's lair it's called 300-2400 baud 24 hrs a day...Tell 'em The Unknown USer sent ya.