[comp.sys.apple] publishing a game

ULMO031@FRORS12.BITNET (10/28/88)

      Well, this is my second (and last) try since my first  one  didn't  get
 much answer (not enough according to me) .

      As you probably do not know, let me tell you how things  are  going  on
 in France. Apple sells Mac IIs, sometimes Mac SE.  If  you  ask  them  about
 Apple IIGS, they will believe it is the  new  release  of  the  Mac...  This
 shows that Apple France is delibertly ignoring the IIGS,  and  I  would  say
 that it is even trying to have it disappear. The only hope we  have  resides
 in the USA because we say (but nobody here knows really)  that  everything's
 all right there. I hope I'm not wrong.

      Anyway, a friend a mine has programmed for the Apple IIGS  an  Arkanoid
 clone. In fact, it is much more than that. The game is well presented,  uses
 palette animation, 256 colors on the same screen. Technically, it  is  good.
 Of course, it is fully written in 65816, which means extra speed for  future
 ideas. There is a level editor included (which is a plus). The goal  ot  the
 author is to see the same kind of enthousiasm as for Lode Runner : disks  of
 new levels made everyday, so you  would  still  enjoy  the  game  with  news

      So, I'm asking you :
      1) Would you spend $25 - $30 for this game ?
      2) Would you distribute it in the  States  (for  about  that  price)  ?
      3) Would you like to see a demo version that I could post on the net  ?
      4) Do you have any idea about having  this  game  from  a  poor  french
 student distributed in the USA ? For  instance,  could  shareware  apply  in
 that case ?

      I you have any ideas, they are welcome. Just imagine  a  programmer  is
 alone and trying to reach the others.

 Here is the address of the author :
      J. T DOUE
      28 rue Saint Andre des Arts
      75006 PARIS
 Here  is  my   electronic   address,   where   you   should   reply   :
      <ULMO031@FRORS12. BITNET> VM site *preferred*
      <ULMO031@FRORS31. BITNET> MVS site

      Come on ! Don't let  that  guy  commit  suicide.  Suppor  the  IIGS  !