[net.movies] SNOBS vs CRETINS long

wetcw@pyuxa.UUCP (T C Wheeler) (07/17/84)

In rebuttal to Brian Diehm.  I have been following this discussion and
your answers have been, shall we say, inconsistent.  First, you wanted
to remove all references to movies you consider beneath your consideration
from net.movies.  Then you wanted a separate group for your postings.
Now you are accusing others of controlling the content of the group.
Now, also, you are calling them bigots, children, and other equally
offensive names.  Let's get some ground rules here, at least as far
as I feel about the name calling.

First, let it be understood that I read two daily newspapers, cover to
cover.  I watch four daily newscasts on tv.  I watch three weekly hour
long newscasts (60 Min, 20/20, etc.).  I watch only GOOD comedy for
about 3 hrs per week, and two hours of GOOD drama.  That's probably
too much, but it's my weakness and I will live with it.  Now, there
are five people in my family.  The cost of tickets, plus the diversity
of interests in the family make theater going a not too often event.

Thus, what should I choose to see at the theater, given that it is
going to be a $30.00 outing (popcorn, candy, etc.)?  I will, and
the rest of the family agrees, go to a good, non-controversial,
don't-have-to-think-deeply movie.  I, for one get plenty of thought
provoking, social commentary from the newspapers and tv.  When I
go to a movie, I want to be entertained.  I do not want to leave
a movie with bad feelings or sadness.  I do not, nor do the members
of my family, want to be subjected to long interminable interludes
of conversation which allude to the presenting some all consuming
social problem.  I do not particularly enjoy watching camera work
that is hazy and off-color just because someone has pronounced it
art.  I do not enjoy seeing the pimples on the actor's face just
because they are great closeups.  I go to the movies to be
entertained.  I get enough reality all day long and I like to rest
once in awhile.

For you to say that anyone who does not go to the movies that you
like is a child is absurd.  I couldn't care less what you like to
see.  And, in the other direction, you shouldn't care what I want
to see.  As far as the net is concerned, I feel that you should have
no concern for what is posted about 'commercial' movies as most
people find the articles interesting.  If you wish to post articles
about movies that have greater 'social' appeal, then you have
that privilege.  However, to berate and castigate those who
happen to march to a different drummer is, at the least, unwise.

What I am getting at is, you enjoy your movies, and I'll enjoy
mine.  I will probably read your articles concerning the movies 
you like, but I doubt if I will see them.  If you are concerned
about reading about 'commercial' films, then there is always the
'n' key.  Just remember, not everyone wants to be socially
awakened at $4.50 a pop, we can do that for free on our boob-tube.

Your first posting alluded to the idea that anyone who went to the
movies to be entertained was a cretin.  You got back several replys
which called you a snob.  You then proceded to strengthen that
presumption with an 'I am better qualified to judge movies than
you' attitude.  Well, I think you might do well to come down out
of your ivory tower and join the rest of us.  Each person has to
decide for themselves what they like in movies.  For one person
to decide that their particular brand of film fare is the only
answer is ludicrous.  And, for that person to try to browbeat everyone
else into accepting their view through insult and innuendo is

You keep right on posting and enjoying your brand of movies.  After
all, even the makers of art movies have to eat.  They just don't eat
quite as well as a Lucas or a Spielberg.  And, instead of throwing
insults and name-calling, why don't you post a movie review or two?
I am sure you will get plenty of response, both good and bad.  If
you took time to read the other 'commercial' movie articles, you
would find the same ratio of good and bad resposes to these movies.
Who knows, maybe some of us would break from our routine and try
an art film?  
T. C. Wheeler