[comp.sys.apple] New anonymous FTP site

Tabakal@UB.CC.UMICH.EDU (12/02/88)

Well, here's my official announcement of anonymous ftp for Apple ][ public
domain.  Most of the files have come from the Apple2-L Bitnet server, but
there are other sources as well.  The site is not named um.cc.umich.edu
as I initially said.  It is my understanding that the name may eventually
become that.  But for now, use
You enter anonymous, and then provide your id&site when it asks for your
password.  This is a not a unix site or anything that most of you will
have worked with.  To get Apple pd, you type CD PC5:
Then you use get to start acquiring files.  95% of the files are in
4 bit encoded text.  You can tell by getting the file !Index which contains
a relatively up-to-date listing of what's available.
BTW, if you want MS-DOS software, CD PC1:
     If you want Mac    software, CD PC2:
There may be more directories coming available.  Atari St and Amiga to be
more specific.
If you have any questions, send them to Tabakal@ub.cc.umich.edu
     Todd A. Bakal                        Cubs Magic Number: 163, tied for #1
     U of M Apple User's Group
     Ann Arbor, Michigan
     ARPA: Tabakal@ub.cc.umich.edu        BITnet: Tabakal@UMICHUB