[comp.sys.apple] Graphic Terminal Emulators

NU133716@VM1.NODAK.EDU (Brian Glaeske) (11/30/88)

Does anyone know of a graphics terminal emulator for the //c?
I am looking for one that emulates a Tekronics 3270 or one
that handless gddm.



>       Does anyone know of a graphics terminal emulator for the //c?
>       I am looking for one that emulates a Tekronics 3270 or one
>       that handless gddm.
>       Thanks.

I'm somewhat behind in versions of Apple Kermit, but the PC version does
a Tektronics 4010 emulation.  Does Apple Kermit do anthing like this?


Thomas C. Murphy         Worcester Polytechnic Institute CAD Lab
                              Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Arpanet:  tmurphy%wpi.bitnet@talcott.harvard.edu

SEWALL@UCONNVM.BITNET (Murph Sewall) (12/06/88)

>> >       Does anyone know of a graphics terminal emulator for the //c?
>> >       I am looking for one that emulates a Tekronics 3270 or one
>> >       that handless gddm.
>> I'm somewhat behind in versions of Apple Kermit, but the PC version does
>> a Tektronics 4010 emulation.  Does Apple Kermit do anthing like this?
>No, unfortunately.  But what do you expect for free?

I agree that Apple Kermit is a pretty good deal, but the MS-DOS Kermit that
does the Tektronics 4010 emulation ALSO is public domain.

Are there any hardware limitations that might inhibit developing such an
emulation for the Apple 2?  If anyone has source code for a Tektronics
emulation, send it to medin-t@shark.nosc.MIL and Atlee@UMDC.bitnet

Maybe if ProTerm would add a graphics terminal emulation it would have a
competitive edge (for mainframe communications) over the public domain

                                     [The Far Side shall return (I hope)]
Murph Sewall     Sewall@UCONNVM.BITNET
Business School  sewall%uconnvm.bitnet@mitvma.mit.edu          [INTERNET]
U of Connecticut {rutgers psuvax1 ucbvax & in Europe - mcvax}
                 !UCONNVM.BITNET!SEWALL                        [UUCP]

-+- My employer isn't responsible for my mistakes AND vice-versa!
            (subject to change without notice; void where prohibited)

"Close enough for government work" - source unknown (naturally ;-)

legler@MASIG2.OCEAN.FSU.EDU ("David M. Legler") (12/06/88)

>>> >       Does anyone know of a graphics terminal emulator for the //c?
>>> >       I am looking for one that emulates a Tekronics 3270 or one
>>> >       that handless gddm.
>>> I'm somewhat behind in versions of Apple Kermit, but the PC version does
>>> a Tektronics 4010 emulation.  Does Apple Kermit do anthing like this?
>>No, unfortunately.  But what do you expect for free?

>Are there any hardware limitations that might inhibit developing such an
>emulation for the Apple 2?  If anyone has source code for a Tektronics
>emulation, send it to medin-t@shark.nosc.MIL and Atlee@UMDC.bitnet Maybe
>if ProTerm would add a graphics terminal emulation it would have a
>competitive edge (for mainframe communications) over the public domain

I have an Applesoft program that will read a Tektronix 4010 plot file and draw
it in the Hi-Res picture space.  But it has two problems.  It is very slow 
being in BASIC and all AND it draws in Hi-Res Space instead of Double Hi-Res, 
thus making the line widths unsightly.  I am not proficient in writing code on
the 65C02 level but would like to see it done to enable a faster and higher
quality plot to be produced.  Anyone want to fool with this?


David M. Legler               ||(904)644-3798 or 644-4581  
Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction ||Bitnet legler@FSU
          Group               ||SPAN   7480::FSUCS::"legler@masig1"
Meteorology Annex  435 OSB    ||Arpa   legler@masig1.ocean.fsu.edu(
Florida State University      ||
Tallahassee, FL  32306-3041   || "An Apple II a day, keeps the PC blues away"