[comp.sys.apple] GS Paintworks Gold & DAs

AWCTTYPA@UIAMVS.BITNET ("David A. Lyons") (12/21/88)

>Date:         Mon, 19 Dec 88 22:16:00 EST
>Subject:      Re: Paintworks Gold

>Hmmmmm.  I'll try stripping out DAs piece by piece to see what happens.
>Whichever is crashing it should probably be deinstalled for awhile until
>a fix comes.

On the other hand, don't be too quick to blame a particular DA if
your PaintWorks Gold starts working when you remove that DA.  I
suspect your problem is just the amount of RAM available to PWG: it's
a big-time memory hog.  Apart from the space the program takes
itself, the space taken by the OS, and the space taken by the tools,
one of the first things PWG does it request a 640K (!) block.  The
version I have drops into the monitor ("Bonk") leaving the title
screen on the screen when it can't get the memory it wants.

--David A. Lyons              bitnet: awcttypa@uiamvs
  DAL Systems                 CompuServe:  72177,3233
  P.O. Box 287                GEnie mail:    D.LYONS2
  North Liberty, IA 52317     AppleLinkPE: Dave Lyons

scott@claris.com (Scott Lindsey) (12/22/88)

From article <8812201229.aa26695@SMOKE.BRL.MIL>, by AWCTTYPA@UIAMVS.BITNET ("David A. Lyons"):
> suspect your problem is just the amount of RAM available to PWG: it's
> a big-time memory hog.  Apart from the space the program takes
> itself, the space taken by the OS, and the space taken by the tools,
> one of the first things PWG does it request a 640K (!) block.  

Indeed.  And the block has to be within a certain range of memory (has to
start in somewhere [don't recall exactly] around banks 2-C or so.  Even if
you have 8 Mb of RAM, but it can't get the memory it wants, it simply gives
up, not even calling the system death manager, but executing an inline
break instruction.  This means that if you try to run it after some other
application which has loaded tools into the banks that it wants, it won't

Scott Lindsey, wombat    | UUCP: {ames,apple,portal,sun,voder}!claris!scott
Product Development      | Internet:  scott@claris.com  |  AppleLink: LINDSEY1
Claris Corp.             | Disclaimer: Thes are not the opinions of Claris,
(415) 960-4070           | Apple, the author or anyone else living or dead.