[comp.sys.apple] Low-Level Formatter / SCSI

sschneider@pro-exchange.cts.com (The RainForest BBS) (01/03/89)

There is a file on Compu$erve which contains a LOW-LEVEL-FORMATTER for SCSI
home-brews that use the Apple (brand) SCSI interface card with at least
revision level of "C" on the rom. The file name is HDFMT.BNY written by Tim
Grams [73537,2602] dated 20 December 88. It unpacks into a menued SYS file and
documentaion in an AppleWorks format. (Also requires enhanced //e)

I would attach the file to this mail but I don't know how to do it at this


UUCP: crash!pro-exchange!sschneider                  The RainForest BBS
ARPA: crash!pro-exchange!sschneider@nosc.mil         P.O.Box 841422
INET: sschneider@pro-exchange.cts.com                Pembroke Pines, Fl 33084