AWCTTYPA@UIAMVS.BITNET ("David A. Lyons") (01/22/89)
>Date: Wed, 18 Jan 89 12:43:00 CDT >From: MSER001%ECNCDC.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU >Subject: finder..osgs > >along, the line of flashing bell, press option about osgs on desktop.. >no wonder the thing is so slow...lots of hidden overhead! The little piece of code that flips the screen upside-down if you hold down Option while choosing About the Finder... can't be all that large; I would be surprised if it added more than 1 or 2 blocks to the Finder's size (the file *:system:start unless you rename it), and it certainly doesn't slow down the system during operations other than looking at the About the Finder... box. >Date: Fri, 20 Jan 89 11:05:10 MST >From: demarco%cpsc.UCalgary.CA%Ucnet.UNCA.AdhocNet.CA@UNCAEDU >Subject: Re: GS-BBS >[...] >Or if you have Davex create a sys alias in the root directory that >will run ACOS in the directory that it is located in. My favorite method for that sort of thing! :-) >Also in prodos you are limited to a max of 51 files in the root or >top directory there is a program avalible on GEnie to change this to >more files though. There are at least two utilities that will expand your ProDOS volume directory beyond the standard 4 blocks, _but_ there is a catch, and I have never seen this discussed in the documentation for those utilities. (I pointed it out to one of the authors and have not received a reply.) The catch is that when ProDOS 8 opens a volume directory for reading, the end-of-file is always considered to be the standard 2048 bytes ($800 bytes; 4 blocks), regardless of the number of blocks actually in the directory. Although files stored beyond the first 4 blocks are accessible by pathname, they never show up in CATALOG listings in any programs that OPEN and READ the directory in the correct way, since they hit the end of the file even if there's more data in there. Only _nonstandard_ utilities that read directories by doing direct READ_BLOCK calls will see the extra files under ProDOS 8; such utilities are _not_ compatible with networked file servers like AppleShare over the AppleTalk network. Interestingly, GS/OS (more specifically, the ProDOS File System Translator) _does_ see the extra files in an expanded volume directory. (It reads the whole directory when it is opened and apparently counts up the blocks at that time.) >Vince --David A. Lyons bitnet: awcttypa@uiamvs DAL Systems CompuServe: 72177,3233 P.O. Box 287 GEnie mail: D.LYONS2 North Liberty, IA 52317 AppleLinkPE: Dave Lyons (Vince Demarco) (01/22/89)
So that is why Beach Comber will die if you try to run it on an expanded volume (one that was expanded so you can have more that 51 files) Thanks for the information Dave, you learn something new every day. Does anyone have a version of emacs for the apple //e i know it is out there i would really like to take a look at it. If you have it could you upload it to comp.binaries.apple2 Vince (by the way the dave in the above messages is dave lyons of DAL Systems) (Vince Demarco) (01/22/89)
I remember what emacs for the apple was called: AMACS- has anyone else heard or seen it?? I remember sending a message once to the author, but never got a reply back...
bfox@WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (Brian Fox) (01/23/89)
Date: 21 Jan 89 23:09:43 GMT From: Vince Demarco <att!alberta!calgary!cpsc!> References: <8901202038.aa01625@SMOKE.BRL.MIL>, <577@cs-spool.calgary.UUCP> Sender: I remember what emacs for the apple was called: AMACS- has anyone else heard or seen it?? I remember sending a message once to the author, but never got a reply back... I am the author, and never got your mail that I recall. Perhaps the mail never got to me? ( Brian (Vince Demarco) (01/25/89)
> I am the author, and never got your mail that I recall. Perhaps the mail > never got to me? ( > > Brian If you could upload AMACS to comp.binaries.apple2 i would appreciated it I don't want the //gs version if that is the one that you wrote. I tryed to send you p-mail but i guess i can't send it to you for some reason. Maybe i don't have access to a certain system that is needed. Vince